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Biomedical Optics Express


Thayer School of Engineering


We characterize cerebral sensitivity across the entire adult human head for diffuse correlation spectroscopy, an optical technique increasingly used for bedside cerebral perfusion monitoring. Sixteen subject-specific magnetic resonance imaging-derived head models were used to identify high sensitivity regions by running Monte Carlo light propagation simulations at over eight hundred uniformly distributed locations on the head. Significant spatial variations in cerebral sensitivity, consistent across subjects, were found. We also identified correlates of such differences suitable for real-time assessment. These variations can be largely attributed to changes in extracerebral thickness and should be taken into account to optimize probe placement in experimental settings.



Original Citation

Melissa M. Wu, Katherine Perdue, Suk-Tak Chan, Kimberly A. Stephens, Bin Deng, Maria Angela Franceschini, and Stefan A. Carp, "Complete head cerebral sensitivity mapping for diffuse correlation spectroscopy using subject-specific magnetic resonance imaging models," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 1131-1151 (2022)
