Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2008
Direct Distance Measurement to the Dusty White Dwarf gd 362, Mukremin Kilic, John R. Thorstensen, and D. Koester
Anomalies in Electrostatic Calibrations for the Measurement of the Casimir Force in a Sphere-Plane Geometry, W. J. Kim, M. Brown-Hayes, D. A.R. Dalvit, J. H. Brownell, and R. Onofrio
Switching Language Switches Mind: Linguistic Effects on Developmental Neural Bases of ‘Theory of Mind’, Chiyoko Kobayashi, Gary H. Glover, and Elise Temple
Comparison of Birkeland current observations during two magnetic cloud events with MHD simulations, H Korth, B J. Anderson, J G. Lyon, and M Wiltberger
Clinical Features and Management of Autoimmune Hepatitis, Edward L. Krawitt
Metallicity Analysis of MACHO Galactic Bulge Rr0 Lyrae Stars from their Light Curves, Andrea Kunder and Brian Chaboyer
The Extinction Toward the Galactic Bulge from RR Lyrae Stars, Andrea Kunder, Piotr Popowski, Kem H. Cook, and Brian Chaboyer
In-vivo Singlet Oxygen Dosimetry of Clinical 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Therapy, Hans-Joachim Laubach, Sung K. Chang, Seonkyung Lee, and Imran Rizvi
Topological Structures in the Equities Market Network, Gregory Leibon, Scott Pauls, Daniel Rockmore, and Robert Savell
Repression of hla by rot Is Dependent on sae in Staphylococcus aureus, Dongmei Li and Ambrose Cheung
Group-aware Stream Filtering for Bandwidth-efficient Data Dissemination, Ming Li and David Kotz
Quality-Managed Group-Aware Stream Filtering, Ming Li and David Kotz
Using Built Environment Characteristics to Predict Walking for Exercise, Gina S. Lovasi, Anne V. Moudon, Amber L. Pearson, Philip M. Hurvitz, Eric B. Larson, David S. Siscovick, and Ethan M. Berke
Planning and Financial Literacy: How Do Women Fare?, Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell
Cif Is Negatively Regulated by the TetR Family Repressor CifR, Daniel P. MacEachran, Bruce A. Stanton, and George A. O'Toole
Ovarian Development in Mice Requires the GATA4-FOG2 Transcription Complex, Nikolay L. Manuylov, Fatima O. Smagulova, Lyndsay Leach, and Sergei G. Tevosian
Sputum Microscopy for the Diagnosis of HIV-Associated Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Tanzania, Mecky Matee, Lillian Mtei, Tarja Lounasvaara, Wendy Wieland-Alter, Richard Waddell, Johnson Lyimo, Muhammed Bakari, Kisali Pallangyo, and C Fordham von Reyn
Fish Distributions and Nutrient Cycling in Streams: Can Fish Create Biogeochemical Hotspots, Peter B. McIntyre, Alexander S. Flecker, Michael J. Vanni, James M. Hood, Brad W. Taylor, and Steven A. Thomas
The Tempo and Mode of Three‐Dimensional Morphological Evolution in Male Reproductive Structures, Mark A. McPeek, Li Shen, John Z. Torrey, and Hany Farid
Staphylococcus aureus PBP4 Is Essential for β-Lactam Resistance in Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Strains, G Memmi, S R. Filipe, M G. Pinho, Z Fu, and Ambrose Cheung
PFISR Nightside Observations of Naturally Enhanced Ion Acoustic Lines, and Their Relation to Boundary Auroral Features, R. G. Michell, K. A. Lynch, C. J. Heinselman, and H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen
Correction: Molecular Subsets in the Gene Expression Signatures of Scleroderma Skin, Ausra Milano, Sarah A. Pendergrass, Jennifer L. Sargent, Lacy K. George, Timothy H. McCalmont, M. Kari Connolly, and Michael L. Whitfield
The Nature of the Ultraluminous Oxygen‐Rich Supernova Remnant in NGC 4449, Dan Milisavljevic and Robert A. Fesen
The Evolution of Late‐Time Optical Emission from SN 1986J, Dan Milisavljevic, Robert A. Fesen, Bruno Leibundgut, and Robert P. Kirshner
The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. III. The Double Subgiant Branch of NGC 1851, A. P. Milone, L. R. Bedin, G. Piotto, J. Anderson, I. R. King, A. Sarajedini, A. Dotter, B. Chaboyer, A. Marin Franch, S. Majewski, A. Aparicio, M. Hempel, N. E.Q Paust, I. N. Reid, A. Rosenberg, and M. Siegel