Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 1994
Impairment of the Cellular Immune Response in Acute Murine Toxoplasmosis: Regulation of Interleukin 2 Production and Macrophage-mediated Inhibitory Effects., Sakhina Haque, Imtiaz Khan, Azizul Haque, and Lloyd Kasper
LAG-2 may Encode a Signaling Ligand for the GLP-1 and LIN-12 Receptors of C-Elegans, Samuel T. Henderson, Dali Gao, Eric J. Lambie, and Judith Kimble
The Random Inactivation of the X Chromosome Carrying the Defective Gene Responsible for X-Linked Hyper IgM Syndrome (X-HIM) in Female Carriers of HIGM1, D Hollenbaugh, L H. Wu, H D. Ochs, and S Nonoyama
Teaching Parallel Computing to Freshmen, Donald Johnson, David Kotz, and Fillia Makedon
Subunit Dynamics in Escherichia Coli Preprotein Translocase., John C. Joly, Marilyn R. Leonard, and William T. Wickner
Interleukin-12 Enhances Murine Survival Against Acute Toxoplasmosis., Imtiaz A. Khan, Tadashi Matsuura, and Lloyd H. Kasper
Transportable Agents, Keith D. Kotay and David Kotz
Disk-Directed I/O for Mimd Multiprocessors, David Kotz
Disk-Directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors, David Kotz
The Expected Lifetime of “Single-Address-Space” Operating Systems, David Kotz and Preston Crow
Ductile Saline Ice, G. A. Kuehn and E. M. Schulson
A Special Class of Almost Disjoint Families, Thomas E. Leathrum
Binding of Matrix Attachment Regions to Lamin Polymers Involves Single-Stranded Regions and the Minor Groove., M. E. Eva Ludérus, Jan L. den Blaauwen, Oncko J. de Smit, Duane A. Compton, and Roel van Driel
Contrast Enhancement of Medical Images using Multiscale Edge Representation, Jian Lu, Dennis M. Healy Jr., and John B. Weaver
Multimedia authoring, development environments, and digital video editing, Fillia Makedon, James W. Matthews, Charles B. Owen, and Samuel A. Rebelsky
Issues and Obstacles with Multimedia Authoring, Fillia Makedon, Samuel A. Rebelsky, Matthew Cheyney, Charles Owen, and Peter Gloor
The PHA-4 Gene is Required to Generate the Pharyngeal Primordium of Caenorhabditis-Elegans, Susan E. Mango, Eric J. Lambie, and Judith Kimble
Mass Spectrum and Correlation Functions of Non-Abelian Quantum Magnetic Monopoles, E. C. Marino and Rudnei O. Ramos
Generalized FFTS - A Survey of Some Recent Results, David K. Maslen and Daniel N. Rockmore
Testing Hypotheses About Evolutionary Change on Single Branches of a Phylogeny Using Evolutionary Contrasts, Mark A. McPeek
BCL-2 Protein Expression is Widespread in the Developing Nervous-System and Retained in the Adult PNS, Diane E. Merry, Deborah J. Veis, William F. Hickey, and Stanley J. Korsmeyer
Effect of Iron Availability on Expression of the Bradyrhizobium Japonicum hemA Gene., Karen M. Page, Erin Connolly, and Mary Lou Guerinot
Characterizing Parallel File-Access Patterns on a Large-Scale Multiprocessor, Apratim Purakayastha, Carla Schlatter Ellis, David Kotz, Nils Nieuwejaar, and Michael Best
The Amino-terminal Functions of the Simian Virus 40 Large T Antigen Are Required to Overcome Wild-type p53-Mediated Growth Arrest of Cells., Robin S. Quartin, Charles N. Cole, James M. Pipas, and Arnold J. Levine
The Cataclysmic Variable HX Pegasi = PG 2337 + 123: Caught on the Rise to Maximum, F. A. Ringwald