Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 1982


A Little More than Kin, Ernest Hebert


Synthesis of Low Molecular Weight Heat Shock Peptides Stimulated by Ecdysterone In a Cultured Drosophila Cell Line., Robert C. Ireland and Edward M. Berger


Spermidine-Condensed Phi X174 DNA Cleavage by Micrococcal Nuclease: Torus Cleavage Model and Evidence for Unidirectional Circumferential DNA Wrapping., Kenneth A. Marx and Thomas C. Reynolds


Partial Reconstruction of the Microvillus Core Bundle: Characterization of Villin as a Ca(++)-Dependent, Actin-Bundling/Depolymerizing Protein, Paul T. Matsudaira and David Burgess


Proteins Antigenically Related to the Human Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter in Normal and Rous Sarcoma Virus-Transformed Chicken Embryo Fibroblasts., Donald W. Salter, Stephen A. Baldwin, Gustav E. Lienhard, and Michael J. Weber


ColE1 Copy Number Mutants., Londa Schmidt and Joseph Inselburg


Excluded-Volume Effect on Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering by Flexible Macromolecules, Genzo Tanaka and Walter H. Stockmayer


A Comparative Analysis of Potential Nitrification and Nitrate Mobility in Forest Ecosystems, Peter M. Vitousek, James R. Gosz, Charles C. Grier, Jerry M. Melillo, and William A. Reiners


A Classification of Certain Graphs with Minimal Imperfection Properties, S. H. Whitesides

Submissions from 1981


Detergent Extraction of a Presumptive Gating Component from the Voltage-Dependent Sodium Channel, W J. Culp and D T. McKenzie


Mothers and Daughters, Marianne Hirsch


Selection and Characterization of ColE1 Plasmid Mutants that Exhibit Altered Stability And Replication., Joseph Inselburg


The Role of Metals in Carcinogenesis: Biochemistry and Metabolism, K Wetterhahn Jennette


Sunbathing Vermilion-crowned Flycatchers Repulse Mates, Lawrence Kilham


The Other Somalia Part 1 - Illicit Trade and the Hidden Economy, Norman Miller


Habitat, the New United Nations Initiative in Human Settlements, Norman Miller and James F. Hornig


T Cell Growth Factor Receptors. Quantitation, Specificity, and Biological Relevance, Richard J. Robb, Allen Munck, and Kendall A. Smith


Isolation of Plasma Membrane from Human Neutrophils and Determination of Cytochrome b and Quinone Content, Edward P. Sloan, Dana R. Crawford, and Donald L. Schneider


The Isolation of Ecdysterone Inducible Genes by Hybridization Subtraction Chromatography, Michael P. Vitek, Susan G. Kreissman, and Robert H. Gross


The Doctor's Dilemma: Sin, Salvation, and the Menstrual Cycle in Medieval Thought, Charles Wood

Submissions from 1980


Incidence Codes of Posets: Eulerian Posets and Reed-Muller Codes, Kenneth P. Bogart


Functional Relationship between Parts of the Replication Region of Plasmid ColE1., Joseph Inselburg


Cellular Action of Vasopressin in Medullary Tubules of Mice with Hereditary Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Brian A. Jackson, Richard M. Edwards, Heinz Valtin, and Thomas P. Dousa


Rat Dendritic Cells Function as Accessory Cells and Control the Production of a Soluble Factor Required for Mitogenic Responses of T Lymphocytes., Wolfgang E. Klinkert, Jon H. LaBadie, James P. O'Brien, Carl F. Beyer, and William E. Bowers


China's Revolution in Health, Norman Miller and James C. Strickler