Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2014
Why 'Down Under' Is a Cut Above: A Comparison of Rates of and Reasons for Caesarean Section in England and Australia, Samantha J. Prosser, Yvette D. Miller, Rachel Thompson, and Maggie Redshaw
Integrating Addiction Treatment into Primary Care Using Mobile Health Technology: Protocol for an Implementation Research Study, Andrew R. Quanbeck, David H. Gustafson, Lisa A. Marsch, and Fiona McTavish
Mitochondrial-Targeted Curcuminoids: A Strategy to Enhance Bioavailability and Anticancer Efficacy of Curcumin, Cheruku Apoorva Reddy, Venkateswarlu Somepalli, Trimurtulu Golakoti, Anantha KoteswaraRao Kanugula, Santosh Karnewar, Karthikraj Rajendiran, Nagarjuna Vasagiri, Sripadi Prabhakar, Periannan Kuppusamy, Srigiridhar Kotamraju, and Vijay Kumar Kutala
Non Melanoma Skin Cancer and Subsequent Cancer Risk, Judy R. Rees, M. Scot Zens, Jiang Gui, Maria O. Celaya, Bruce L. Riddle, and Margaret R. Karagas
Online Tracking of the Contents of Conscious Perception Using Real-Time fMRI, Christoph Reichert, Robert Fendrich, Johannes Bernarding, Claus Tempelmann, Hermann Hinrichs, and Jochem W. Rieger
Normal Acquisition of Expertise with Greebles in Two Cases of Acquired Prosopagnosia, Constantin Rezlescu, Jason J. S. Barton, David Pitcher, and Bradley Duchaine
A Cavity-Cooper Pair Transistor Scheme for Investigating Quantum Optomechanics in the Ultra-Strong Coupling Regime, A. J. Rimberg, M. P. Blencowe, A. D. Armour, and P. D. Nation
New Malignancies after Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanomas: A Population-Based Study from Norway, Trude E. Robsahm, Margaret R. Karagas, Judy R. Rees, and Astri Syse
Unintended Outcomes of Farmers' Adaptation to Climate Variability: Deforestation and Conservation in Calakmul and Maya Biosphere Reserves, Claudia Rodriguez-Solorzano
Variation in Arabidopsis Flowering Time Associated with Cis-Regulatory Variation in CONSTANS, Ulises Rosas, Yu Mei, Qiguang Xie, Joshua A. Banta, Royce W. Zhou, Gabriela Seufferheld, Silvia Gerard, Lucy Chou, Naeha Bhambhra, Jennifer Deane Parks, Jonathan M. Flowers, C. Robertson McClung, Yoshie Hanzawa, and Michael D. Purugganan
Intrinsic Innate Immunity Fails To Control Herpes Simplex Virus and Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Replication in Sensory Neurons and Fibroblasts, Pamela C. Rosato and David A. Leib
Spatial Frequency Analysis of Anisotropic Drug Transport in Tumor Samples, Stewart Russell, Kimberley S. Samkoe, Jason R. Gunn, P Jack Hoopes, Thienan A. Nguyen, Milo J. Russell, Robert R. Alfano, and Brian W. Pogue
Sustained High Basal Motion of the Greenland Ice Sheet Revealed by Borehole Deformation, Claudia Ryser, Martin P. Lüthi, Lauren C. Andrews, Matthew J. Hoffman, Ginny A. Catania, and Robert L. Hawley
Galaxy Pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - IX. Merger-Induced AGN Qctivity as Traced by the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer, Shobita Satyapal, Sara L. Ellison, William McAlpine, and Ryan C. Hickox
Nectar Yeasts in the Tall Larkspur Delphinium barbeyi (Ranunculaceae) and Effects on Components of Pollinator Foraging Behavior, Robert N. Schaeffer, Cody R. Phillips, M. Catherine Duryea, Jonathan Andicoechea, and Rebecca E. Irwin
Movement-Based Embodied Contemplative Practices: Definitions and Paradigms, Laura Schmalzl, Mardi A. Crane-Godreau, and Peter Payne
Innovation Rivalry: Theory and Empirics, John T. Scott and Troy J. Scott
Massive Compact Galaxies with High-Velocity Outflows: Morphological Analysis and Constraints on AGN Activity, P. H. Sell, C. A. Tremonti, R. C. Hickox, and A. M. Diamond-Stanic
Manage at Work: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Self-Management Group Intervention to Overcome Workplace Challenges Associated with Chronic Physical Health Conditions, William S. Shaw, Elyssa Besen, Glenn Pransky, Cécile R. L. Boot, Michael K. Nicholas, Robert K. McLellan, and Torill H. Tveito
Sex Hormones Regulate Tenofovir-Diphosphate in Female Reproductive Tract Cells in Culture, Zheng Shen, John V. Fahey, Jack E. Bodwell, Marta Rodriguez-Garcia, Angela D.M Kashuba, and Charles R. Wira
Myeloid Derived Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1-alpha is Required for Protection against Pulmonary Aspergillus Fumigatus Infection, Kelly M. Shepardson, Anupam Jhingran, Alayna Caffrey, Joshua J. Obar, Benjamin T. Suratt, Brent L. Berwin, Tobias M. Hohl, and Robert A. Cramer
Microbial Diversity of a Mediterranean Soil and Its Changes after Biotransformed Dry Olive Residue Amendment, José A. Siles, Caio T.C.C Rachid, Inmaculada Sampedro, Inmaculada García-Romera, and James M. Tiedje
Surface Attachment Induces Pseudomonas aeruginosa Virulence, Albert Siryaporn, Sherry L. Kuchma, George A. Ou2019Toole, and Zemer Gitai
Cataclysmic Variables in the Superblink Proper Motion Survey, Julie N. Skinner, John R. Thorstensen, and Sébastien Lépine
Investigating Habits: Strategies,Technologies and Models, Kyle S. Smith and Ann M. Graybiel