Submissions from 2013
Understanding Less than Nothing: Children's Neural Response to Negative Numbers Shifts Across Age and Accuracy, Margaret M. Gullick and George Wolford
Get It While It's Hot: A Peak-First Bias in Self-Generated Choice Order in Rhesus Macaques, Kanghoon Jung and Jerald D. Kralick
Too Good to Be True: Rhesus Monkeys React Negatively to Better-than-Expected Offers, Emily J. Knight, Kristen M. Klepac, and Jerald D. Kralik
What Can the Organization of the Brain’s Default Mode Network Tell us About Self-Knowledge?, Joseph. M. Moran, William M. Kelley, and Todd F. Heatherton
Contrast Negation Differentiates Visual Pathways Underlying Dynamic and Invariant Facial Processing, Pamela M. Pallett and Ming Meng
Old Cortex, New Contexts: Re-Purposing Spatial Perception for Social Cognition, Carolyn Parkinson and Thalia Wheatley
Implicitly Priming the Social Brain: Failure to Find Neural Effects, Katherine E. Powers and Todd F. Heatherton
Socially Excluded Individuals Fail to Recruit Medial Prefrontal Cortex for Negative Social Scenes, Katherine E. Powers, Dylan D. Wagner, Catherine J. Norris, and Todd F. Heatherton
Smoothness without Smoothing: Why Gaussian Naive Bayes is Not Naive for Multi-Subject Searchlight Studies, Rajeev D.S Raizada and Yune-Sang Lee
Network Structure and Dynamics of the Mental Workspace, Alexander Schlegel, Peter J. Kohler, Sergei V. Fogelson, and Prescott Alexander
Music and Movement Share a Dynamic Structure that Supports Universal Expressions of Emotion, Beau Sievers, Larry Polansky, Michael Casey, and Thalia Wheatley
The Composite Effect for Inverted Faces is Reliable at Large Sample Sizes and Requires the Basic Face Configuration, Tirta Susilo, Constantin Rezlescu, and Bradley Duchaine
Self-Regulatory Depletion Increases Emotional Reactivity in the Amygdala, Dylan D. Wagner and Todd F. Heatherton
Submissions from 2012
Multiple Subject Barycentric Discriminant Analysis (MUSUBADA): How to Assign Scans to Categories without Using Spatial Normalization, Hervé Abdi, Lynne J. Williams, Andrew C. Connolly, and M. Ida Gobbini
Vestibular and Attractor Network Basis of the Head Direction Cell Signal in Subcortical Circuits, Benjamin J. Clark and Jeffrey S. Taube
Imaging Prior Information in the Brain, Scott Gorlin, Ming Meng, Jitendra Sharma, and Hiroki Sugihara
Attentive and Pre-Attentive Processes in Change Detection and Identification, Howard C. Hughes, Gideon Paul Caplovitz, Rebecca A. Loucks, and Robert Fendrich
When Less is More: Evolutionary Origins of the Affect Heuristic, Jerald D. Kralik, Eric R. Xu, Emily J. Knight, Sara A. Khan, and William J. Levine
Multivoxel Patterns in Face-Sensitive Temporal Regions Reveal an Encoding Schema Based on Detecting Life in a Face, Christine E. Looser, Jyothi S. Guntupalli, and Thalia Wheatley
Data Sharing in Neuroimaging Research, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Janis L. Breeze, Satrajit Ghosh, Krzysztof Gorgolewski, and Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Unfakeable Facial Configurations Affect Strategic Choices in Trust Games with or without Information about Past Behavior, Constantin Rezlescu, Brad Duchaine, Christopher Y. Olivola, and Nick Chater
Submissions from 2011
Altered Spatial Frequency Content in Paintings by Artists with Schizophrenia, Daniel Graham and Ming Meng
Aging is Associated with Positive Responding to Neutral Information but Reduced Recovery from Negative Information, Carien M. van Reekum, Stacey M. Schaefer, Regina C. Lapate, Catherine J. Norris, Lawrence L. Greischar, and Richard J. Davidson
Mind Perception: Real but Not Artificial Faces Sustain Neural Activity beyond the N170/VPP, Thalia Wheatley, Anna Weinberg, Christine Looser, Tim Moran, and Greg Hajcak
Submissions from 2010
Differential Activation of Frontoparietal Attention Networks by Social and Symbolic Spatial Cues, Andrew D. Engell, Lauri Nummenmaa, Nikolaas N. Oosterhof, Richard N. Henson, James V. Haxby, and Andrew J. Calder
BOLD Signal in Both Ipsilateral and Contralateral Retinotopic Cortex Modulates with Perceptual Fading, Po-Jang Hsieh and Peter U. Tse
Behind the Mask: the Influence of Mask-Type on Amygdala Response to Fearful Faces, M Justin Kim, Rebecca A. Loucks, Maital Neta, F. Caroline Davis, Jonathan A. Oler, Emily C. Mazzulla, and Paul J. Whalen
Submissions from 2009
The Principled Control of False Positives in Neuroimaging, Craig M. Bennett, George L. Wolford, and Michael B. Miller
A Functional Role for the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Non-Spatial Auditory Cognition, Y. E. Cohen, B. E. Russ, S. J. Davis, A. E. Baker, A. L. Ackelson, and R. Niteck
Microsaccade Rate Varies with Subjective Visibility during Motion-Induced Blindness, Po-Jang Hsieh and Peter U. Tse
Submissions from 2008
Switching Language Switches Mind: Linguistic Effects on Developmental Neural Bases of ‘Theory of Mind’, Chiyoko Kobayashi, Gary H. Glover, and Elise Temple
Medial Temporal Lobe BOLD Activity at Rest Predicts Individual Differences in Memory Ability in Hhealthy Young Adults, Gagan S. Wig, Scott T. Grafton, Kathryn E. Demos, George L. Wolford, Steven E. Petersen, and William M. Kelley
Submissions from 2007
Detecting Agency from the Biological Motion of Veridical vs Animated Agents, Raymond A. Mar, William M. Kelley, Todd F. Heatherton, and C. Neil Macrae
Submissions from 2006
Medial Prefrontal Activity Differentiates Self from Close Others, Todd F. Heatherton, Carrie L. Wyland, C. Neil Macrae, Kathryn E. Demos, Bryan T. Denny, and William M. Kelley
Medial Prefrontal Dissociations during Processing of Trait Diagnostic and Nondiagnostic Person Information, Jason P. Mitchell, Jasmin Cloutier, Mahzarin R. Banaji, and C Neil Macrae
Prior Experience as a Stimulus Category Confound: an Example using Facial Expressions of Emotion, Leah H. Somerville and Paul J. Whalen
Submissions from 2005
Visibility, Visual Awareness, and Visual Masking of Simple Unattended Targets are Confined to Areas in the Occipital Cortex beyond Human V1/V2, Peter U. Tse, Susanna Martinez-Conde, Alexander A. Schlegel, and Stephen L. Macknik
Submissions from 2003
Online Detection of Tonal Pop-Out in Modulating Contexts, Petr Janata, Jeffrey L. Birk, Barbara Tillmann, and Jamshed J. Bharucha
Submissions from 2002
Distinct Neural Systems Subserve Person and Object Knowledge, Jason P. Mitchell, Todd F. Heatherton, and C. Neil Macrae
Submissions from 2001
Memory and the Experience of Hearing Music, W Jay Dowling, Barbara Tillman, and Dan Ayers
Submissions from 1997
Head Direction Cells and Episodic Spatial Information in Rats without a Hippocampus, Edward J. Golob and Jeffrey S. Taube