Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis (Undergraduate)

Department or Program

Department of Computer Science

First Advisor

Fabio Pellacini


Lighting design is a fundamental aspect of computer cinematography, where it is used to support storytelling by affecting the mood, style, and believability of a scene. Traditionally, lighting has requred the tedious adjustment of large set parameters that describe complex lighting setups, including lights positions, colors, shapes, etc. This work presents an interactive user interface that facilitates lighting workflow by using a sketching paradigm for light creation. Lights are specified by a series of strokes that define various properties of illumination such as shape of the light and position of illuminated and shadowed areass. The system will them perform a nonlinear optimization over all the light parameters to find a match to the controlling sketches. To demonstrate our prototype system, we lit a simple scene fully with our application, showing that sketching paradigms ar promising to facilitate the lighting workflow.


Originally posted in the Dartmouth College Computer Science Technical Report Series, number TR2007-589.
