Theses/Dissertations from 2025
A Comparative Mathematical Analysis of Ice Modulation Measurement Techniques: Unifying Thermal Hysteresis, Freezing Point Depression, and Colligative Effects, Hayden Calvert Barry
DESIGNING ACCESSIBLE UI/UX FOR EPILEPTIC PATIENTS: A Scalable Solution for Music Therapy Delivery, Amethyst G.H. McKenzie
Restoring the Ahupuaʻa: Community-Based Resource Management and Resilience in Kauaʻi, Jeffrey W. Walbridge Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Exploring Tokenization Techniques to Optimize Patch-Based Time-Series Transformers, Gabriel L. Asher
“I Had to Go There for My Own Safety” Negotiations of Access and Autonomy among DC Birth Settings, Elizabeth Avery Borgmann
Welfare Maximization in the Airplane Problem, Alina Chadwick
Loving 바리데기: A Traveler's Guide to Anthologizing the 여성 시인, Tiffany Hyunkyung Chang
Shader-based Real-time Image Tracking for Mobile Augmented Reality, Andrew Wang Chen
What We Hear in Voices: Identifying Dimensionality in Speech Stimuli Trait Impressions, Caroline W. Conway
Exploring Applications of AI in Developer-Side Web Accessibility Practices, Maria H. Cristoforo
Mechanical Scanning Sonar Projections with a Monocular Camera, Xenia Dela Cueva
An Economic Remodel: The Genesis of Modern Corporate Sustainability, Caitlin R. Doak
Shifting Forms: Queer Placemaking Amidst Neoliberalism In New York City Through Art, Colin J. Donnelly
The Fight for Rice: Understanding How Monte Cristi Will Respond to DR-CAFTA and Climate Change, Scarlette G. Flores
The Impact of Maine’s Municipal Shellfish Management on Clam Harvester Motivation to Participate in Resource Conservation, Rachel Lohr Freer
College Course Assignment: Maximality, Fairness, Scheduling, Emily Y. Gao
Math, ChatGPT, and You: The Problem with Mathematical Accuracy in Large Language Models, Alexandre M. Hamel
Carbon Pricing in Action: Evaluating the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Evelyn M. Hatem
Latent Auto-recursive Composition Engine: A Generative System for Creative Expression in Human-AI Collaboration, Yenkai Huang
RIPL: Recursive Inference for Policy Learning, Kunal Jha, Jeremy R. Manning, and Alberto Quattrini Li
Apocalyptic Surpluses, Hannah Kadin
Investigating Bias in Mortgage-Rate Machine Learning Models, Will Kalikman
A Problem-Based Approach to Racial and Ethnic Inequities in the German Health System, Thomas C. Lane
From History to Memory: Comparative Discourse of Proust's Le Temps Retrouvé and Michelet's Histoire de la Révolution Française, Jose F. Lopez Cochachi
Impacts of Dam Construction on Hydro-Geomorphic Alteration in the Rio Coca, Richard Allen Lytle III
Connection-Saving Gate Assignment: A Computational Approach, Rob Mailley
Advancing Clinical Bacterial Diagnosis: Gram-Stained Whole-Slide Image Classification with Attention-Based Deep Learning, Jack McMahon
Conserving the Public Lands: Policy and Spatial Analysis of a Bureau of Land Management Conservation Leasing Mechanism, Isaiah M. Menning
Examining Differences in Concept Representation Across Similarity Spaces Between Humans and Large Language Models, Krishnachandra Nair
Fiscal incentives for green growth: A mixed-methods study of the state of agroforestry and tree cover in India, Spriha Pandey
Open Source Supply Chain Security: a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Achieving Various Security Thresholds in Build Environments, Carly Retterer
The Dartmouth Land Ethic: Synthesizing Environmental Ethical Beliefs in Hanover and Beyond, Conor M. Roemer
Emotional Regulation on Modulating Associations between Depression and Physical Activity as Characterized via Deep Learning, Franklin Ye Ruan
Zoom dysmorphia: An eye-tracking study of self-view and attention during video conferences, Kathleen H. Stimson
Achieving Domain-Independent Certified Robustness via Knowledge Continuity, Alan Wenyuan Sun
Modern Bodies: Globalizing Media Cultures and the Representation of Ideal Beauty, Michelle Sun
Land-use governance and Indigenous engagement in Arctic Alaska and Norway: successes, current gaps, and paths forward, Ningning Sun
Data-Driven Computing Methods for Nonlinear Physics Systems with Geometric Constraints, Yunjin Tong
Evading Antivirus Detection by Abusing File Type Identification, Chavin Udomwongsa
Measuring Confidentiality with Multiple Observables, John J. Utley
Whisper: Proximity-Based Authentication for Securely Sharing Secrets, Charles A. Vogel
Implementing Selective Signature Scanning to Optimize Malware Detection, Lucas Gray Wilbur
Experimental Methods in Predicting Market Drift and other Portfolio Optimization Factors using Graph Theory, Perry Harrison Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
(Dis)connected: Internet Access, Health Disparities, and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Spencer Allen
Information diffusion in online social networks: a simulation experiment, Maxwell Jacob Blum
GeoRCF-GN: Geography-Aware State Prediction in Dynamic Networks, Barkin Cavdaroglu
Connecting Linguistic Expressions and Pain Relief Through Transformer Model Construction and Analysis, Sarah M. Chacko
Cyclic Mixed-Radix Dense Gray Codes, Jessica Cheng
An Empirical Study of Locality-Sensitive Hashing to Approximate the Minimum Spanning Tree, Elizabeth Crocker
Investigating English-Language Dialect-Adjusted Models, Samiha Datta
Say That Again: The role of multimodal redundancy in communication and context, Brandon Javier Dormes
Team Versus Player? A Study of Baseball Salary Arbitration and the Arbitrator Exchangeability Hypothesis, Devan Fink
Undoing of the Carceral School System in the South Bay, California, Lizet Garcia
The Flow of Power: Addressing Asymmetric Flood Risk in the Upper Valley, Eric VR Hryniewicz
Pathways to Pricelessness: How the Value of 'Priceless' Art is Socially Constructed in both Valueless and Limitless Forms, Cristina M. Javens
Interpreting Business Strategy and Market Dynamics: A Multi-Method AI Approach, Lobna Jbeniani
An Algorithmic Approach to Jazz Guitar Voice-Leading Chord Fingerings, Matthew B. Keating
Concrete July: Forging a Critical Peace in Korea from Fragments of the Past, Sheen Kim
Counterfactual Replacement Analysis for Interpretation of Blackbox Sexism Classification Models, Anders Knospe
Sarcasm Detection in English and Arabic Tweets Using Transformer Models, Rishik Lad
L’Espresso: uno stimolante, una bevanda, e un pilastro dell'italianità, Salvatore Joseph Lupo
Unmasking Bias: Investigating Strategies for Minimizing Discrimination in AI Models, Julia L. Martin
Critical Geopolitics and the Created Worlds of Post-9/11 Spy Film, Caitlin Anne McCarthy
Data-Optimized Spatial Field Predictions for Robotic Adaptive Sampling: A Gaussian Process Approach, Zachary Nathan
Cognitive Feedback Theories and Artificial Intelligence: A Case for A Grammarly of UI/UX Design, Jordan Buchanan Paff
Leveraging magnetic nanoparticles and photothermal heating for on-chip processing of therapeutic exosomes, Siddhant Parwal
Restorying the L.A. River through Ancestral Knowledge & Multispecies Care in Southeast L.A., Jimena Natalia Pérez
Predictive AI for the S&P 500 Index, Jacqueline Rose Perry
Bridging Philosophy and Neuroscience: How Behavioral Experiments Inform a Recent Theory of Animal Consciousness, Qasim Abrar Qureshi
What you don’t know matters: An ignorance-focused investigation of theory of mind, Steven M. Shin and Jonathan S. Phillips
Deep Learning for Skin Photoaging, Gokul Srinivasan
Utilizing Mixed Graphical Network Models to Explore Parent Psychological Symptoms and Their Centrality to Parent Mental Health in Households with High Child Screen Usage, Piper F. Stacey, Nicholas C. Jacobson, and Damien Lekkas
Exploring Improvements to Space-Bounded Derandomization from Better Pseudorandom Generators, Boxian Wang
The Dilemma of Disclosure: Designing Interpersonal Informatics Tools for Mood Tracking, Daniel Earl Westphal
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Towards a Computational Model of Narrative on Social Media, Anne Bailey
Entity Based Sentiment Analysis for Textual Health Advice, Dae Lim Chung
Symplectically Integrated Symbolic Regression of Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems, Daniel DiPietro
State Power and Body Politics in Neoliberal Times: Diamela Eltit's Sumar and Basma Abdel Aziz's al-Ṭābūrs, Ryan Ellis
Leveraging Context Patterns for Medical Entity Classification, Garrett Johnston
Destabilizing Terrorist Networks, John Keane
Possibility is not a Luxury: The role of identity in representations of possibility, Hannah M. LeBaron
Determining American Sign Language Joint Trajectory Similarity Using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Rohith Mandavilli
Probing NLP Conceptual Relatedness Judgments Through the Word-Based Board Game Codenames, Tracey Mills
How Do We Represent Possibilities in the Visual World? — An analysis of amodal completion under cognitive and perceptual load., Camden Parker
Designing narrative-based interfaces for collective action: A case study using Amazon, climate change, and consumer behavior, Catherine Parnell
Machine Learning and the Network Analysis of Ethereum Trading Data, Santosh Sivakumar
TorSH: Obfuscating consumer Internet-of-Things traffic with a collaborative smart-home router network, Adam Vandenbussche
Analyzing Behavioral Adaptation to COVID-19 And Return To Pre-Pandemic Baselines in a Cohort of College Seniors, Vlado Vojdanovski
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Identifying optimal course structures using topic models, Tehut Tesfaye Biru