This section contains undergraduate theses by Dartmouth students. To browse theses by subject, go to Academic Departments and look under a specific department or program.


Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Integrating Bluetooth Low Energy Peripherals with the Amulet, Anna J. Knowles


Bae: Before Anyone Else; The Answer to Mobile Dating for the African Diaspora, Jordan S. Kunzika


Devising a Framework for Efficient and Accurate Matchmaking and Real-time Web Communication, Charles Li


All Your BASE Are Belong To You: Improved Browser Anonymity and Security on Android, Peter Saisi


Interactive Data Visualization of Christian Demographics, Allison C. Wang


Learning Device Usage in Context: A Continuous and Hierarchical Smartphone Authentication Scheme, Bingyue Wang


Bloon: Software and Hardware for Data Collection and Real-Time Analysis, Jacob Z. Weiss


Monarch: A Reimagined Browser for the Modern Web, Daniel R. Whitcomb


Automating 3D Wireless Measurements with Drones, Ethan Yu

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Communication Complexity of Distributed Statistical Algorithms, James A. Brofos

Entering the Mind of a Genius: Yi Sang, Paul C. Chang


WiPrint: 3D Printing Your Wireless Coverage, Justin Chan

Identity and dialect change in the post-isolated community : a sociophonetic analysis of Cherokee Sound, Bahamas, Alexa Dixon


How Realistic is Photorealistic?, Olivia B. Holmes

The Stories They Tell: Fictional Representations of the Spanish Civil War, Gabriela Josebachvili


Cell Representations of the Configuration Space for Planning Optimal Paths, Ajay Kannan


Why Do Protein Structures Recur?, Rebecca G. Leong


Repcoin: A Market-Based Approach to Reputation, Stephen D. Malina


Two Algorithms for Finding Edge Colorings in Regular Bipartite Multigraphs, Patricia T. Neckowicz

Spatial Fictions: Contemporary Representations and Theorizations of Urban Space, Tom Owen

Toward a Decolonial Critical Theory, Benjamin Randolph


Repcoin: The Only Reputation Market, Matthew Ritter


Course InSight: An Application of Natural Language Processing in a Course Browser, Chuanqi Sun

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Constant RMR Transformation to Augment Reader-Writer Locks with Atomic Upgrade/Downgrade Support, Jake S. Leichtling

Homonym processing in monolingual and bilingual brains, Gabriela F. Meade

Fictional Character in Alain Robbe-Grillet's La Jalousie and Julio Cortázar's 62: Modelo para amor, Pedro Hurtado Ortiz


Chain Match: An Algorithm for Finding a Perfect Matching of a Regular Bipartite Multigraph, Stefanie L. Ostrowski


Shared Roots: Regularizing Deep Neural Networks through Multitask Learning, Piotr Teterwak


StyleCheck: An Automated Stylistic Analysis Tool, Alexander P. Welton

But the Color Stayed: 'Afro Türk' Presence within the Turkish Nation Construction, Olumayowa A. Willoughby

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Ekho: A Tool for Recording and Emulating Energy Harvesting Conditions, Ryan H. Archer


An Algorithm for Computing Edge Colorings on Regular Bipartite Multigraphs, Andrew S. Hannigan


Polynomial and Query Complexity of Minterm-Cyclic Functions, Matthew J. Harding

Intellectual Masculinity and Masculine Intellectuals, Andrew Huh


Please Take My Survey: Compliance with smartphone-based EMA/ESM studies, Shloka R. Kini


Nimbus A Novel Multi-Device Operating System Shell, Sang Jin Lee

"Abstract Painting is Abstract": A Semiotic Analysis of Abstraction in Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art, Alexis Monroe

Writing Art in Latin America: The Spectacular Society and Movie Stars in Cortázar and Puig, Krista Oehlke

Insufficient Utopias: The Politics of Participatory Art from Post-1997 Thailand, Chanon Praepipatmongkol


Grid Cryptographic Simulation: A Simulator to Evaluate the Scalability of the X.509 Standard in the Smart Grid, Tucker L. Ward


Mobile Applications: Games that Transform Education, Edward Y. Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2012

Deictic Elements In Hyow And Kuki-Chin, Kenneth P. Baclawski Jr.


A Data Flow Tracker and Reference Monitor for WebKit and JavaScriptCore, Andrew Bloomgarden


Methods of Computing Deque Sortable Permutations Given Complete and Incomplete Information, Daniel J. Denton

Shared Experience : A Sociophonetic And Ethnographic Study Of Gay-Sounding Speech, Zachary De


Search for Trust: An Analysis and Comparison of CA System Alternatives and Enhancements, Alexandra C. Grant


Asymptotic Statistics of Nodal Domains of Quantum Chaotic Billiards in the Semiclassical Limit, Kyle T. Konrad

The Tensions of Literary Space: Janet Flanner's New York, Colette's Provinces, and the Paris They Shared, Hilary C. Krutt

Hunting the Spanish Civil War: An Exploration of the "Human" and the "Animal" in Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls and Carlos Saura's La Caza, Maxwell A. Moran

Traditional subsistence practices : an interactive method for cultural education and natural language acquisition, Kayla Nicole Gebeck

Immersion vs. Instruction : testing the acquisition of native-like language ability in college students of German, Anna Niedbala

The Ideal of Hybridity: Rethinking the Theory within the Context of Albert Camus, José Luandino Vieira and their Selected Works, Renee L. Phillip

A current analysis of unsupervised morphological induction models, Elizabeth Salesky

An Acoustic Sociophonetic Analysis Of Middle Tennessee English Dialect Features Across Different Soc, Natalie Schrimpf

Crafting a New Political and Social History: A Study of Christine de Pizan, Madeline L. Sims


Sensor-based system for verifying blood-pressure measurement position, Emma N. Smithayer

Theses/Dissertations from 2011

Paradoxes of the Postwar Body in The Face of Another, Cannon Biggs


Obstruction-free Snapshot, Obstruction-free Consensus, and Fetch-and-add Modulo k, Jack R. Bowman


A Solution to k-Exclusion with O(logk) RMR Complexity, Jonathan H. Choi


Reader-Writer Exclusion Supporting Upgrade and Downgrade with Reader-Priority, Michael I. Diamond


Static Analysis for Ruby in the Presence of Gradual Typing, Michael Edgar


Reader-Writer Exclusion Supporting Upgrade and Downgrade with Starvation Freedom, Matthew Elkherj


Effects of network trace sampling methods on privacy and utility metrics, Phillip A. Fazio


A Multilevel, Posture-based Model for Motor Control in Simulation and Robotic Applications, Divya A. Gunasekaran

Debilitating Dichotomies: The Fragmented Nationalist Endeavor of the Gaucho Literary Genre, Wallace (Ned) Jones

Überzähliges Dasein: Language and Being in the Poetry of Rilke and Mallarmé, Therese Korndorf

William Methwold and the Great Palaces of Europe, Rahul Malik


802.15.4/ZigBee Analysis and Security: tools for practical exploration of the attack surface, Ricky A. Melgares

Schiller Als Arzt: The Theater as Clinic, Pharmacy and Madhouse, Johanna Meyer


Exploiting the Hard-Working DWARF: Trojan and Exploit Techniques Without Native Executable Code, James M.H. Oakley

The Neurobiology of Meditation: Cultivation Interpersonal Attunement through Mindfulness, Suzanne Parker

On the Threshold of the Archive: The Madeleine and the Bartlett Pears, Matthew Rodriguez


IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Security: Self-Assessment Frameworks, Ryan Speers

The Influence of Emotion on Perceptual Direction Tuning Curves, Stefan Uddenberg


Constant-RMR Abortable Reader-Priority Reader-Writer Algorithm, Nan Zheng

Theses/Dissertations from 2010

Adventures in Writing: Extraordinary Voyages with E.A. Poe and J.Verne, Abigail R. Alexander


Virtual Container Attestation: Customized trusted containers for on-demand computing., Katelin A. Bailey

Into the Cave with the Marquis de Sade: From Degradation to Translation, Hermanjit S. Bajwa

Distributed Representations of Contextual Processing: A Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis, Stephanie Gagnon

Unveiled Stories: Desire, Representation and Resistance in Feminist Counter-Cinema, Emily K. Kane

Revolutionary Late-Weimar Objectivity and the "State of Exception", Alexander J. Lambrow

The Effects of Rhythm and Music on Phonetic Memory, Rayna Levine

A Computational Framework for Imitation of Simple Line Drawings, Kevin Miller


NeuroPhone: Brain-Mobile Phone Interface using a Wireless EEG Headset, Matthew K. Mukerjee

Nisi Vinceris: Parody and Intertextuality in Titus Andronicus, Maya C. Nathan


Creating Large Disturbances in the Power Grid: Methods of Attack After Cyber Infiltration, Loren D. Sands-Ramshaw


The Curious Timekeeper: Creative Thesis in Interactive Sculpture, Kate I. Schnippering


Block Sensitivity versus Sensitivity, Karn Seth

Theses/Dissertations from 2009

Narratives of the Desiring Subject: An Analysis of Gender, Desire and Agency in Marguerite Duras' The Love and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, Ying Cheng

Four Authors in Quest of Utopia: Cortazar, Duras, Carpentier, Perec, Amaury Boscio Colon


Hawk: 3D Gestured-Based Interactive Bird Flight Simulation, Thomas Yale Eastman

Resistance from Within: Literary Negotiations of Female Identity in the Space of the Postcolonial Home, Silvia Ferreira

In No Unmediated Terms: History, Memory, and Representation in MAUS and W ou le Souvenir d'Enfance, Alexander Fidel

Being and Beauty: Mystical Experience and Poetic Self-Affirmation, Andrew Gates


An Information Complexity Approach to the Inner Product Problem, William B. Henderson-Frost

The Cities of St. Petersburg, Kirby Liu

Emotional Dynamics: An fMRI Study of How the Brain Processes Cross-modal, Dynamic Representations of Emotion, Fiona Lundie


Developing an Improved, Web-Based Classroom Response System with Web Services, Oleg B. Seletsky

The Passionate Spectator: Cinematic 'Flânerie' in Bennett Miller's The Cruise and Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin's Chronique d'un Été, Annabel Seymour

Utopia and Revolution, Marisa Taney