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Student Class
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WISP Intern
First Advisor
Hans Mueller
First Advisor Department
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The heliosphere is the volume of space occupied by the solar plasma, surrounded by the local interstellar medium flowing around it. Interstellar neutral atoms, such as helium, can travel from the interstellar medium into the heliosphere unimpeded, affected only by gravity. Therefore, detection of these atoms provides information about the state of the local interstellar medium. This poster details the creation of programs to model the theoretical detection of interstellar neutral helium atoms, 1 AU away from the sun. The final produced plots show the flux of interstellar neutral helium on a mollweide all sky map. These plots were designed to be comparable to data from NASA's IBEX satellite. Analysis of these theoretical plots and IBEX data provides insight into what atoms IBEX is likely missing in its detection.
Publication Date
heliosphere, interstellar neutral helium, interstellar medium
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Stars, Interstellar Medium and the Galaxy
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Yoon, Kendall and Mueller, Hans, "Interstellar helium voyages: Modeling and comparing theoretical and observed data" (2024). Wetterhahn Science Symposium Posters 2024. 12.

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