Student Co-presenter Names
Daniel Carstensen
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Student Class
Student Affiliation
Senior Honors Thesis
Author ORCID Identifier
First Advisor
Jeremy Manning
First Advisor Department
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Second Advisor
Peter Mucha
Second Advisor Department
Department of Mathematics
This study investigates the potential of a computational approach to provide moment-by-moment insights into a student’s comprehension of lecture material through analysis of their neurophysiological responses during the lecture. In doing so, we present a solution to two difficult problems. How do we quantify the conceptual content of a lecture video? And how can we use EEG recordings to compute a knowledge estimate of this conceptual content? First, we used topic modeling to generate moment-by-moment estimates of the conceptual content of a lecture. Then we used EEG recordings collected during the lecture to compute an ISFC-derived knowledge estimate of this conceptual content. We found that particularly gamma band activity may contain a signal indicative of knowledge acquisition.
Publication Date
computational neuroscience, education, learning, knowledge, concepts, natural language processing, eeg
Cognitive Neuroscience | Computational Neuroscience | Statistical Models
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Carstensen, Daniel L.; Manning, Jeremy R.; and Mucha, Peter, "Translating Neurophysiological Recordings Into Dynamic Estimates of Conceptual Knowledge And Learning" (2024). Wetterhahn Science Symposium Posters 2024. 15.
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