
Editorial Board


Vibha Vasanth is a creative writing student in the MALS program. She likes to write comedic stories, typically for children and young adults, often with a fantastical bent. When she isn’t reading or writing, Vibha can be found baking a newfound recipe in her kitchen or looking for the nearest cat willing to befriend her.

Editorial Board Members

Arina Petrova is a third-year MALS student in creative writing. She lives in the Upper Valley with a betta fish and four children. Once, she wrote and illustrated a book for her kids and decided to move forward in her writing experiments.

Chennelle Channer is a graduate student at Dartmouth College in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) program with a concentration in creative writing. She has served as an assistant editor and board member for Clamantis: The MALS Journal. She is interested in written work around immigration, language, womanhood, and familial structures. Her work can be found in journals such as Bloodroot Lit. and Clamantis. Originally from Jamaica, she considers herself an island girl at heart and is still getting used to the New England weather. When she is not writing you can find her walking a path at Quechee Gorge and maybe taking a quick dip in the water if it's not too cold.

Daryna Gladun is an award-winning poet, conceptual artist and translator from Ukraine. She writes in Ukrainian and English. Her poems have been translated into 27 world languages. She is the author of five poetry collections and numerous artworks exhibited all over Europe. Daryna participated in International Literary and Art Festivals, Art Residences, Fellowship and Scholarship Programs in Austria, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA. Daryna Gladun currently is a second year MALS student (Creative Writing concentration).

Jacob Campbell is an avid doodler, skilled procrastinator, and eminently unserious human being. He has been beaten into submission by his childhood sports teams and enjoys long walks on the beach. When he’s not writing, he is most likely worried about geopolitics or listening to 80s one-hit-wonders. He lives in a van down by the river.

Mackintosh Bennett is a writer, playwright and illustrator currently based in Burlington, Vermont. He writes for the stage, screen, as well as works of prose, in both long and short form. He has spent time writing in Stowe, Provincetown and on Martha’s Vineyard, chasing the coattails of other tortured artists he admires; Tennessee Williams, Eugene O’Neill and Kurt Vonnegut to name a few. Mack has also acted professionally, on stage and commercial television, and is classically trained in the techniques of Meisner, Adler, and the Avner Eisenberg school of clowning. He is currently studying creative writing as a graduate student at Dartmouth College. When he is not busy writing or doodling in the margins, you can find him skiing like a madman, climbing at high-altitude or floating around in his Old Town canoe.

Faculty Advisor

Anna Minardi has been working at Dartmouth since 2001. A senior lecturer in the French and Italian department, she served as language course coordinator while teaching Italian at all levels. She holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine and completed her MALS degree in 2010 with a thesis in Creative Writing. In 2014 she was invited to join the MALS program to teach a course on methodology as it pertains to the writing process and joined the Clamantis team. In Winter 2020 she started co-teaching a course entitled “Writing Nature: Reflections from Within and Without,” which gave her an opportunity to explore with students one of her lifelong interests, the intersection of the sciences and humanities.

Associate Editors

Behishta Sadaat is a second year MALS student with a Cultural Studies/Medical Humanities concentration. She is from Kabul, Afghanistan, with a public health and policy making background. She has been a human rights and women’s activist. She was recognized as the “Best Performer in Women’s Rights” by Asia awards in 2020-2021. Currently, she works at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.

Caden P. Ide is a writer of Science Fiction and a student in the MALS Program at Dartmouth College, with a concentration in Creative Writing. Originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana, he received his Bachelor of Arts in English from Florida Gulf Coast University. He is currently Secretary of the Dartmouth Writers Society.

Erin E. Bennett is a current MALS student with a focus in creative writing. Her work includes poetry, short fiction and scriptwriting, as well as illustration. By day she is the administrative assistant in the Leslie Center for the Humanities at Dartmouth, and by night she can be found performing in many a local theater production, often with BarnArts Center for the Arts. She currently resides with her husband and house plants in Wilder, Vermont.

Jasmine Shirey joined MALS with a cultural studies concentration in 2021. They have worked as a TA for Dartmouth's Writing 2-3 courses (2021-2024), a course on German fairytales (2022), Don Pease's Modern American Drama course (2022-2023), and a critical writing workshop seminar in Dartmouth's Comparative Literature MA program. Their research lies at the crossroads between queer theory, collective memory, and developmentalism as it relates to U.S. imperialism.

Kendrew Zarzuela is a first-year MALS student with a concentration in Cultural Studies. His research focuses on the political and legal implications of humor, specifically on free speech and intellectual property regulations on humor. Originally from Los Angeles, he received his bachelor's degree in political science at USC and worked as a faculty support assistant for a year at UCLA School of Law before attending Dartmouth College.

Lilabeth Martchenke: The one, the only, The Lilabeth is a MALS student currently working on their thesis project, a series of short stories heavily inspired from and drawing from Celtic Mythology. They are an aspiring Urban Fantasy novelist and a renowned (not really) Game Master for several homebrew ttrpg games set in a wild world and setting of their own design and making. They have served on the Clamantis Editorial Board for a few editions now and plan on continuing after Dartmouth, to spread enjoyment and entertainment through their communities.

Sarayah Villasenor is a MALS student studying Creative Writing. When she’s not writing about the intricacies of Celtic fairies or cannibalism, she’s spending time with her cats: Misty Day and Piper Hallowell. On the rare occasions she goes outside, she likes to sit in the park and read or journal.

Assistant Editors

Abigail Dollries is a MALS graduate student in the Cultural Studies concentration. She has been published in several student publications such as The Varsity where she was a member of the masthead and lead video producer. Her academic work delves into women's history, material culture, and the history of medicine. Her favorite creative outlets include writing, dance, video production, and photography. Her work at the Student Wellness Center at Dartmouth connects students to health and mindfulness resources to support their well-being.

Alhanouf Almaghrabi is a MALS student who is graduating this year. She is a novelist who has published three philosophical novels. She is doing her thesis as a philosophical novel. She is a poet, a playwriter, and an editor.

Andrée Solé is a current MALS student completing her thesis in playwriting. She is also producing a documentary for the Hopkins Center for the Arts as a Special Projects Fellow.

Anmol Gandhi is a comedy TV writer currently based in Mumbai. She has published two of her short stories in anthologies and hopes to publish more. She is a firm believer of the "do it for the plot" ideology except when it comes to graduating during a recession. She is also hoping Mindy Kaling will stumble upon this bio.

E. Chandlee Bryan, M.Ed. works in Career Services at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine. She studies creative writing, the medical humanities and healthcare co-production methods between patients and providers. Chandlee has a fondness for paper and digital archives, knitting circles and building community.

Greyson Thomas expects to graduate MALS in the summer of 2024. From Brooklyn, NY; aspires to be an author.

Kate Barlow is a graduate student in the MALS program with a concentration in Creative Writing. Kate has worked at Dartmouth for over ten years and currently manages donor engagement and stewardship with the Dartmouth College Fund. She is delighted to finally be taking classes and looks forward to continuing to learn and grow as a writer. Outside of work and class, Kate lives with her family in Vermont, managing a somewhat chaotic schedule for her two teenagers, a very social husband, and an energetic dog.

Matt Fennelly (they/he) is an actor, director, choreographer, and social ballroom dancer/instructor. Matt’s alma maters include Skidmore (BA economics-mathematics), AMDA-LA (acting), NYU Tisch (MA performance studies), and University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (MFA dance). Matt is currently working on their MALS creative writing thesis at Dartmouth, their PhD in human sexuality from CIIS, and their MFA in popular fiction writing, literature, and publishing from Emerson. Matt’s first play titled The Bee, Skout was published in 2023 on the ProQuest platform.

Rebecca Shepard is currently a second-year Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) student at Dartmouth, with a focus on Creative Writing. She holds an undergraduate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Psychology and Counseling from Plymouth State University. Rebecca is also the proprietor of a thriving professional proposal and grant writing consultancy. With an emerging interest in satire and ambitions to explore the fiction genre, she aims to leverage her life experiences and academic insights into a successful career as a novelist.

Alumni Editors

Ed Ting is a well-known amateur astronomer whose works have appeared in Sky&Telescope, Skywatch, Discover, and Popular Mechanics magazines. He is a National Science Foundation Ambassador to Chile, and a NASA Solar System Ambassador. His science-themed YouTube channel gets two million views a year. In addition to his science writing, Ed’s creative works have appeared in literary journals. He is a past winner of the NH State Flash Fiction contest and was selected as Writer-in-Residence at the Noepe Center for the Fine Arts in Edgartown, Massachusetts in 2016. Ed holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, an MFA from New England College, and a MALS degree from Dartmouth, where he produced an award-winning thesis on astronomical imaging.

Lee Mayes [Assoc.] The thing that humans refer to as either “Lee Mayes” or "P.F. White" is actually a collection of Eldritch energies and cosmic rays trapped in a screaming prison of holy wards seventeen dimensions removed from this sphere of existence. Despite this handicap, his earthly incarnation has managed to graduate from the MALS program at Dartmouth, ensnare the heart and soul of a beautiful damsel, and publish a score of horrific stories in a dozen different publications. He is currently working on parting the last remaining strands of warding that prevent him from infecting this pathetic realm with eternally burning madness. He also likes cats.

Maria Iriondo completed her MALS degree in 2023 with a concentration in creative writing. She received the MALS Byam Shaw-Brownstone Thesis Award for Farewell to Franco, a short story collection set at the end of a poignant chapter in Spain's modern history. She’s the managing editor of a bilingual, yachting and lifestyle publication and a podcast and television producer. Currently, María is working on a short story collection set in Portugal around the time of the Carnation Revolution of 1974.

Teresa Lust is the author of A Blissful Feast, Culinary Adventures in Italy’s Piedmont, Maremma, and Le Marche, published by Pegasus Books. Her previous book, Pass the Polenta: and Other Writings from the Kitchen, was published by Steerforth Press. She holds a master's degree from Dartmouth College and currently teaches Italian for the Rassias Center for World Languages at Dartmouth.

Tim Fish is the pen name of MALS alumnus Timothy Poisson. Tim currently lives in Ireland, under a Fulbright grant to research his next graphic novel. His first stage play was performed in Dublin and Galway in February 2024. His comics have been published by Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, and more. Timfishworks.com

Cover Art

Irma Vlasac is a third year PhD Candidate studying cancer biology through the Molecular and Cellular Biology Program. Irma enjoys illustrating and finds catharsis through creation, inspired by real life and by her imagination.In addition to her artwork, Irma dedicates her time to writing, her friends, and her cats.


Arina Petrova See under ‘Editorial Board Members.’

Abbey Coe is a MALS student focusing on cultural studies and is currently finishing up her thesis. She is writing about queer women in music and how that translates into positioning women’s queerness in American culture. She is from Bow, NH, and now lives in White River Junction, VT, with her cat, Geo.

Abigail Dollries See under ‘Assistant Editors.’

Alhanouf Almaghrabi See under ‘Assistant Editors.

Behishta Sadaat See under ‘Associate Editors.’

E. Chandlee Bryan See under ‘Assistant Editors.’

Erin Kelly is a first-year MALS student with a cultural concentration. Her studies entail ethnobotany and the non-human within the field of anthropology. She is an herbalist, wedding photographer, box office manager, and a lover of life.

Ilyse Horlings is a PhD candidate in the Thayer School of Engineering where they study the evolution of snow and firn (the intermediate material between snow and glacial ice) using a combination of modeling, laboratory experiments, and field work. Aside from research, they are passionate about science outreach and education, and enjoy writing poetry, photography, and exploring nature. Much of their inspiration stems from their adventures and love of their home in the Pacific Northwest.

Jacob Campbell See under ‘Editorial Board Members.’

James Washington Jr. and his wife, MaryLu, are longtime Hanover residents. Writing poetry is a joy, for Jim, topped only by writing poetry within a diverse, supportive community of highly talented MALS student writers. Jim will graduate MALS Spring Term, 2024.

Joel Papp is a first-year graduate student at Dartmouth College. He earned his BA from Baylor University studying Film and English. At Baylor, Joel combined his love for writing and comedy and became the Editor-in-Chief of The Rope—the university’s underground, student satirical newspaper. Apart from that, he has satirical works published in The Boston Accent, a Boston-based, online satire publication. His academic passions lie in satire, film, and literature: especially, the intersection of the three.

Karina Madzari is currently a master's student in the Globalization Studies Program at MALS. She is a designer and systems researcher studying social, environmental, organizational, and economic interdependencies within systems. Previously she graduated as a chemical technology engineer specializing in inorganic chemistry.

Mackintosh Bennett See under ‘Editorial Board Members.’

Nic Rago is a fiction writer from the Bay Area, California. He is the editor-in-chief of Udder Times, a new digital magazine. He digs the outdoors, movies, and tabletop roleplaying games. He cannot juggle, though he is still likely a clown.

Rebecca Shepard See under ‘Assistant Editors.’

Sanyukta Shiv Kumar is a graduate student at Dartmouth College who writes creative short fiction and poetry, primarily about social issues. She hopes that her pieces guide the readers to take an empathetic approach to people and their issues. She reads books, crochets, and always carries emergency tea in her bag. You never know.

Taqdees Mahmood Mela is an award-winning writer and academic, who fights the dark forces of patriarchy and classism, one story at a time. She is an anime enthusiast and is obsessed with the intricacies of language. Her work has been published by Folio Books, Clamantis, and Daily Times.

Tim Fish See under ‘Alumni Editors.’

Vibha Vasanth See under ‘Editor-in-Chief.’

Yilu Ren is currently a graduate student in Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College. She is a poetry enthusiast, movie buff, and story lover. Another title she proudly embraces is "Crazy Cat Lady".