ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students)

Degree Program


Year of Graduation


Faculty Advisor

Eric S. Bish

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 9-10-2018


FreshAir Sensor is a Dartmouth-founded, fast-growing start-up located in Lebanon, NH. They currently manufacture and sell devices to detect components of tobacco and marijuana smoke with patented, polymer sensor technology (PolySens™). FreshAir is working with a pediatrician at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) to develop a wearable device to deploy the company’s sensor technology in medical research studies. The wearable will aid in research to measure participants’ exposure to secondhand smoke. FreshAir would like to test, improve, and understand the behavior of their device prior to shipment, and further research if there is a larger market available for this technology.

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Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access


Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.
