Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2018


Quantifying Cancer Cell Receptors with Paired-Agent Fluorescent Imaging: a Novel Method to Account for Tissue Optical Property Effects., Negar Sadeghipour, Scott C. Davis, and Kenneth M. Tichauer


Application of Fluorescence-Guided Surgery to Subsurface Cancers Requiring Wide Local Excision: Literature Review and Novel Developments Toward Indirect Visualization., Kimberly S. Samkoe, Brent D. Bates, Jonathan T. Elliott, Ethan LaRochelle, Jason R. Gunn, Kayla Marra, Joachim Feldwisch, Dipak B. Ramkumar, David F. Bauer, Keith D. Paulsen, Brian W. Pogue, and Eric R. Henderson


Towards Sustainable Aquafeeds: Evaluating Substitution of Fishmeal with Lipid-extracted Microalgal Co-product (Nannochloropsis Oculata) in Diets of Juvenile Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus), Pallab K. Sarker, Anne R. Kapuscinski, Ashley Y. Bae, Emily Donaldson, Devin S. Fitzgerald, and Oliver F. Edelson


Does Pictorial Health Information Improve Health Behaviours and Other Outcomes? A Systematic Review Protocol, Danielle Schubbe, Sarah Cohen, Renata W. Yen, Maria VD Muijsenbergh, Peter Scalia, Catherine H. Saunders, and Marie-Anne Durand


Solution and Solid-State Emission Toggling of a Photochromic Hydrazone, Baihao Shao, Massimo Baroncini, Laura Bussotti, Mariangela Di Donato, Alberto Credi, and Ivan Aprahamian


Virginia Woolf's Reading Notebooks, Brenda R. Silver


Algorithm Development for Intrafraction Radiotherapy Beam Edge Verification from Cherenkov Imaging., Clare Snyder, Brian W. Pogue, Michael Jermyn, and Irwin Tendler


Mechanisms Underlying Serotonergic Excitation of Callosal Projection Neurons in the Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex, Emily K. Stephens, Arielle L. Baker, and Allan T. Gulledge


Diagnostic Value of Lingual Tonsillectomy in Unknown Primary Head and Neck Carcinoma Identification After a Negative Clinical Workup and Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography, Chad K. Sudoko, Marc A. Polacco, Benoit J. Gosselin, and Joseph A. Paydarfar


Impact of Prenatal Stress on Offspring Glucocorticoid Levels: A Phylogenetic Meta-analysis Across 14 Vertebrate Species, Zaneta M. Thayer, Meredith A. Wilson, Andrew W. Kim, and Adrian V. Jaeggi


Modeling Semantic Encoding in a Common Neural Representational Space, Cara E. Van Uden, Samuel A. Nastase, Andrew C. Connolly, Ma Feilong, Isabella Hansen, M Ida Gobbini, and James V. Haxby


Idiosyncratic, Retinotopic Bias in Face Identification Modulated by Familiarity, Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello, Morgan Taylor, Patrick Cavanagh, and Maria Ida Gobbini


First Stewards: Ecological Outcomes of Forest and Wildlife Stewardship by Indigenous peoples of Wisconsin, USA, Donald M. Waller and Nicholas J. Reo


First Stewards: Ecological Outcomes of Forest and Wildlife Stewardship by Indigenous Peoples of Wisconsin, USA, Donald M. Waller and Nicholas J. Reo


Small-Scale Forestry and Carbon Offset Markets: an Empirical Study of Vermont Current Use Forest Landowner Willingness to Accept Carbon Credit Programs, Alisa E. White, David A. Lutz, Richard B. Howarth, and José R. Soto


Continue, Adjust, or Stop Antipsychotic Medication: Developing and User Testing an Encounter Decision Aid for People with First-Episode and Long-Term Psychosis, Yaara Zisman-Ilani, David Shern, Patricia Deegan, Julie Kreyenbuhl, Lisa Dixon, Robert Drake, William Torrey, Manish Mishra, Ksenia Gorbenko, and Glyn Elwyn

Submissions from 2017


Lactate Dehydrogenase in Toxoplasma Gondii Controls Virulence, Bradyzoite Differentiation, and Chronic Infection, Abdelbaset E. Abdelbaset, Barbara A. Fox, Mohamed H. Karram, Mahmoud R. Abd Ellah, David J. Bzik, and Makoto Igarashi


Fröhlich Effect and Delays of Visual Attention, Nika Adamian and Patrick Cavanagh


Building Student Capacity to Lead Sustainability Transitions in the Food System through Farm-Based Authentic Research Modules in Sustainability Sciences (FARMS), Selena Ahmed, Alexandra Sclafani, Estephanie Aquino, Shashwat Kala, Louise Barias, and Jaime Eeg


Cold Fusion: Massive Karyotype Evolution in the Antarctic Bullhead Notothen Notothenia coriiceps, Angel Amores, Catherine A. Wilson, Corey AH Allard, and William H. Dietrich III


Hyper-Methylated Loci Persisting from Sessile Serrated Polyps to Serrated Cancers, Angeline S. Andrew, John A. Baron, Lynn F. Butterfly, Arief A. Suriawinata, Gregory J. Tsongalis, Christina M. Robinson, and Christopher I. Amos


Optimal Nutrition for Endurance Exercise: A Systematic Review, Sarah E. Andrus MS and Bruce W. Andrus MD MS


Intestinal Microbiota and Weight-Gain in Preterm Neonates, Silvia Arboleya, Pablo Martinez-Camblor, Gonzalo Solís, and Marta Suárez


Transactivation of the Estrogen Receptor Promoter by BRCA1, William B. Archey and Bradley A. Arrick


Pulmonary microRNA profiling: implications in upper lobe predominant lung disease, David A. Armstrong, Amanda B. Nymon, Carol S. Ringelberg, and Corina Lesseur