Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2019


Biomedical Engineering or Biomedical Optics: Will the Real Discipline Please Stand Up?, Brian W. Pogue


Ensuring Scientific Publishing Credibility in Translational Biomedical Optics., Brian W. Pogue


Systematic computational identification of prognostic cytogenetic markers in neuroblastoma, Chao Qin, Xiaoyan He, Yanding Zhao, Chun Yip Tong, Kenneth Y. Zhu, Yongqi Sun, and Chao Cheng


Diagnostic Performance of Receptor-Specific Surgical Specimen Staining Correlates with Receptor Expression Level, Jasmin M. Schaefer, Connor W. Barth, Scott C. Davis, and Summer L. Gibbs


Afterlives of Indigenous Archives, Ivy Schweitzer and Gordon Henry Jr


Using vibrations from a SmartRing as an out-of-band channel for sharing secret keys, Sougata Sen, Varun Mishra, and David Kotz


Replication Study: Biomechanical remodeling of the microenvironment by stromal caveolin-1 favors tumor invasion and metastasis, Mee Rie Sheen, Jennifer L. Fields, Brian Northan, Judith Lacoste, Lay-Hong Ang, and Steven Fiering


Characterization of a Non-Contact Imaging Scintillator-Based Dosimetry System for Total Skin Electron Therapy., Irwin I. Tendler, Petr Bruza, Michael Jermyn, Xu Cao, Benjamin B. Williams, Lesley A. Jarvis, Brian W. Pogue, and David J. Gladstone


Modern Theoretical Approaches to Medieval Translation, Michelle R. Warren


A Comparison of Neural Decoding Methods and Population Coding Across Thalamo-Cortical Head Direction Cells, Zishen Xu, Wei Wu, Shawn S. Winter, Max L. Mehlman, William N. Butler, Christine M. Simmons, Ryan E. Harvey, Laura E. Berkowitz, Yang Chen, Jeffrey S. Taube, Aaron A. Wilber, and Benjamin J. Clark


A Comparison of Neural Decoding Methods and Population Coding Across Thalamo-Cortical Head Direction Cells, Zishen Xu, Wei Wu, Shawn S. Winter, Max L. Mehlman, William N. Butler, Christine M. Simmons, Ryan E. Harvey, Laura E. Berkowitz, Yang Chen, Jeffrey S. Taube, Aaron A. Wilber, and Benjamin J. Clark

Submissions from 2018


Radiotherapy-Induced Cherenkov Luminescence Imaging in a Human Body Phantom, Syed Rakin Ahmed, Mengyu Jia, Petr Bruza, Sergei A. Vinogradov, Shudong Jiang, David J. Gladstone, Lesley A. Jarvis, and Brian W. Pogue


Fermi-Bounce Cosmology and Scale-Invariant Power Spectrum, Stephon Alexander, Cosimo Bambi, Antonino Marcianò, and Leonardo Modesto


PhasorSec: Protocol Security Filters for Wide Area Measurement Systems, Prashant Anantharaman, Kartik Palani, Rafael Brantley, Sergey Bratus, and Sean W. Smith


Cosmological Consequences of Classical Flavor-Space Locked Gauge Field Radiation, Jannis Bielefeld and Robert R. Caldwell


Selected Lectures, Shorter Writings, and Translations, Peter Bien


Detecting Eating Episodes with an Ear-mounted Sensor, Shengjie Bi, Tao Wang, Nicole Tobias, Josephine Nordrum, Shang Wang, George Halvorsen, Sougata Sen, Ron Peterson, Kelly Caine, Kofi Odame, Ryan Halter, Jacob Sorber, and David Kotz


Remix the Medieval Manuscript: Experiments with Digital Infrastructure, Laura Braunstein, Michelle R. Warren, and BayLauris ByrneSim


Prevalence Rates of Arthritis Among US Older Adults with Varying Degrees of Depression: Findings from the 2011 to 2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Jessica L. Brooks, Alexander J. Titus, Courtney A. Polenick, Nicole M. Orzechowski, Manney Carrington Reid, Todd A. MacKenzie, Stephen J. Bartels, and John A. Batsis


Cherenkov Excited Short-Wavelength Infrared Fluorescence Imaging in vivo with External Beam Radiation, Xu Cao, Shudong Jiang, Mengyu Jeremy Jia, Jason R. Gunn, Tianshun Miao, Scott C. Davis, Petr Bruza, and Brian W. Pogue


Evaluating Prose Style Transfer with the Bible, Keith Carlson, Allen Riddell, and Daniel Rockmore


The Amnesiac Lookback Option: Selectively Monitored Lookback Options and Cryptocurrencies, Ho-Chun Herbert Chang and Kevin Li


Daily Associations between Objective Sleep and Consumption of Highly Palatable Food in Free-Living Conditions, W. S. Chan


Clinical Effectiveness of Family Therapeutic Interventions in the Prevention and Treatment of Perinatal Depression: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Fallon Cluxton-Keller and Martha L. Bruce


Tissue Oxygen Saturation Predicts Response to Breast Cancer Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy within 10 Days of Treatment, Jeffrey M. Cochran, David R. Busch, Anais Leproux, Zheng Zhang, Thomas D. O'Sullivan, Albert E. Cerussi, Philip M. Carpenter, Rita S. Mehta, Darren Roblyer, Wei Yang, Keith D. Paulsen, Brian Pogue, Shudong Jiang, and Peter A. Kaufman