Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2021
First-In-Human Study in Cancer Patients Establishing the Feasibility of Oxygen Measurements in Tumors Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance With the OxyChip, Philip E. Schaner, Benjamin B. Williams, Eunice Y. Chen, Jason R. Pettus, Wilson A. Schreiber, Maciej M. Kmiec, Lesley A. Jarvis, David A. Pastel, Rebecca A. Zuurbier, Roberta M. DiFlorio-Alexander, Joseph A. Paydarfar, Benoit J. Gosselin, Richard J. Barth, Kari M. Rosenkranz, Sergey V. Petryakov, Huagang Hou, Dan Tse, Alexandre Pletnev, Ann Barry Flood, and Victoria A. Wood
Usability Assessment of a Bluetooth-Enabled Resistance Exercise Band Among Young Adults, Lillian M. Seo, Curtis L. Peterson, Ryan J. Halter, David Kotz, Karen L. Fortuna, and John A. Batsis
A Safety Factor Approach to Designing Urban Infrastructure for Dynamic Conditions, Sanjib Sharma, Ben Seiyon Lee, Robert E. Nicholas, and Klaus Keller
The E3 ubiquitin ligase component, Cereblon, is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of Wnt signaling, Chen Shen, Anmada Nayak, Leif R. Neitzel, Amber A. Adams, Maya Silver-Isenstadt, Leah M. Sawyer, Hassina Benchabane, Huilan Wang, Nawat Bunnag, Bin Li, Daniel T. Wynn, Fan Yang, Marta Garcia-Contreras, Charles H. Williams, Sivanesan Dakshanamurthy, Charles C. Hong, Nagi G. Ayad, Anthony J. Capobianco, Yashi Ahmed, and Ethan Lee
Prenatal exposure to arsenic and lung function in children from the New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study, Antonio J. Signes-Pastor, Pablo Martinez-Camblor, Emily Baker, Juliette Madan, Margaret F. Guill, and Margaret R. Karagas
Genomic epidemiology of methicillin-resistant and -susceptible Staphylococcus aureus from bloodstream infections, Joshua T. Smith, Elissa M. Eckhardt, Nicole B. Hansel, Tahmineh Rahmani Eliato, Isabella W. Martin, and Cheryl P. Andam
Location of studies and evidence of effects of herbivory on Arctic vegetation: a systematic map, E. M. Soininen, I. C. Barrio, R. Bjørkås, K. Björnsdóttir, D. Ehrich, K. A. Hopping, E. Kaarlejärvi, A. L. Kolstad, S. Abdulmanova, R. G. Björk, C. G. Bueno, I. Eischeid, R. Finger-Higgens, J. S. Forbey, C. Gignac, O. Gilg, M. den Herder, H. S. Holm, B. C. Hwang, and J. U. Jepsen
The Role of Mesoscale Plasma Sheet Dynamics in Ring Current Formation, K. A. Sorathia, A. Michael, V. G. Merkin, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, D. L. Turner, J. G. Lyon, J. Garretson, M. Gkioulidou, and F. R. Toffoletto
A network linking scene perception and spatial memory systems in posterior cerebral cortex, Adam Steel, Madeleine M. Billings, Edward H. Silson, and Caroline E. Robertson
Developing diagnostic assessment of breast lumpectomy tissues using radiomic and optical signatures, Samuel S. Streeter, Brady Hunt, Rebecca A. Zuurbier, Wendy A. Wells, Keith D. Paulsen, and Brian W. Pogue
The Impact of Adolescent Alcohol Exposure on Nicotine Behavioral Sensitization in the Adult Male Neonatal Ventral Hippocampal Lesion Rat, Emily D.K. Sullivan, Liam N. Locke, Diana J. Wallin, Jibran Y. Khokhar, Elise M. Bragg, Angela M. Henricks, and Wilder T. Doucette
Rational design of on-chip gold plasmonic nanoparticles towards ctDNA screening, Amogha Tadimety, Ziqian Wu, John H. Molinski, Russell Beckerman, Congran Jin, Lauren Zhang, Timothy J. Palinski, and John X.J. Zhang
Children’s particulate matter exposure characterization as part of the new hampshire birth cohort study, Jonathan Thornburg, Yuliya Halchenko, Michelle McCombs, Nalyn Siripanichgon, Erin Dowell, Seung Hyun Cho, Jennifer Egner, Vicki Sayarath, and Margaret R. Karagas
Gaussian-preserved, non-volatile shape morphing in three-dimensional microstructures for dual-functional electronic devices, Ziao Tian, Borui Xu, Guangchao Wan, Xiaomin Han, Zengfeng Di, Zi Chen, and Yongfeng Mei
SPRD: a surface plasmon resonance database of common factors for better experimental planning, Purushottam B. Tiwari, Camelia Bencheqroun, Mario Lemus, Taryn Shaw, Marilyn Kouassi-Brou, Adil Alaoui, and Aykut Üren
Entropy-based metrics for predicting choice behavior based on local response to reward, Ethan Trepka, Mehran Spitmaan, Bilal A. Bari, Vincent D. Costa, Jeremiah Y. Cohen, and Alireza Soltani
Structural analysis of cross α-helical nanotubes provides insight into the designability of filamentous peptide nanomaterials, Fengbin Wang, Ordy Gnewou, Charles Modlin, Leticia C. Beltran, Chunfu Xu, Zhangli Su, Puneet Juneja, Gevorg Grigoryan, Edward H. Egelman, and Vincent P. Conticello
Coherently amplifying photon production from vacuum with a dense cloud of accelerating photodetectors, Hui Wang and Miles Blencowe
Efficiency stagnation in global steel production urges joint supply- and demand-side mitigation efforts, Peng Wang, Morten Ryberg, Yi Yang, Kuishuang Feng, Sami Kara, Michael Hauschild, and Wei Qiang Chen
Re-Imagining Digital Things: Sustainable Data in Medieval Manuscript Studies, Michelle R. Warren and Neil Weijer
Elevated temperature and browning increase dietary methylmercury, but decrease essential fatty acids at the base of lake food webs, Pianpian Wu, Martin J. Kainz, Fernando Valdés, Siwen Zheng, Katharina Winter, Rui Wang, Brian Branfireun, Celia Y. Chen, and Kevin Bishop
Genome-resolved metagenomics reveals role of iron metabolism in drought-induced rhizosphere microbiome dynamics, Ling Xu, Zhaobin Dong, Dawn Chiniquy, Grady Pierroz, Siwen Deng, Cheng Gao, Spencer Diamond, Tuesday Simmons, Heidi M.L. Wipf, Daniel Caddell, Nelle Varoquaux, Mary A. Madera, Robert Hutmacher, Adam Deutschbauer, Jeffery A. Dahlberg, Mary Lou Guerinot, Elizabeth Purdom, Jillian F. Banfield, John W. Taylor, and Peggy G. Lemaux
Considering uncertainties expands the lower tail of maize yield projections, Haochen Ye, Robert E. Nicholas, Samantha Roth, and Klaus Keller
The association between protease inhibitors and anal cancer outcomes in veterans living with HIV treated with definitive chemoradiation: a retrospective study, Alison K. Yoder, David S. Lakomy, Yongquan Dong, Suchismita Raychaudhury, Kathryn Royse, Christine Hartman, Peter Richardson, Donna L. White, Jennifer R. Kramer, Lilie L. Lin, and Elizabeth Chiao
Methylation-derived inflammatory measures and lung cancer risk and survival, Naisi Zhao, Mengyuan Ruan, Devin C. Koestler, Jiayun Lu, Lucas A. Salas, Karl T. Kelsey, Elizabeth A. Platz, and Dominique S. Michaud