Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2015
Tomography of epidermal growth factor receptor binding to fluorescent Affibody in vivo studied with magnetic resonance guided fluorescence recovery in varying orthotopic glioma sizes, Robert W. Holt, Jennifer-Lynn H. Demers, Kristian Sexton, Jason Gunn, Scott Davis, Kimberly Samkoe, and Brian W. Pogue
Is Student Loan Debt Discouraging Homeownership among Young Adults?, Jason N. Houle and Lawrence Berger
Screening and Molecular Analysis of Single Circulating Tumor Cells Using Micromagnet Array, Yu-Yen Huang, Peng Chen, Chun-Hsien Wu, Kazunori Hoshino, Konstantin Sokolov, Nancy Lane, Huaying Liu, Michael Huebschman, Eugene Frenkel, and John X.J Zhang
Functional Dyadicity and Heterophilicity of Gene-Gene Interactions in Statistical Epistasis Networks, Ting Hu, Angeline S. Andrew, Margaret R. Karagas, and Jason H. Moore
Trends in Initial Management of Prostate Cancer in New Hampshire, Johann Ingimarsson, Maria Celaya, Michael Laviolette, Judy R. Rees, and Elias Hyams
Preempting Performance Challenges: the Effects of Inoculation Messaging on Attacks to Task Self-Efficacy, Ben Jackson, Josh Compton, Ryan Whiddett, David R. Anthony, and James A. Dimmock
Validating Estimates of Prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases Based on Household Surveys: The Symptomatic Diagnosis Study, Spencer L. James, Minerva Romero, Dolores Ramírez-Villalobos, and Sara Gómez
Improved Sensitivity to Fluorescence for Cancer Detection in Wide-Field Image-Guided Neurosurgery, Michael Jermyn, Yoann Gosselin, Pablo A. Valdes, Mira Sibai, and Kolbein Kolste
Macroscopic-Imaging Technique for Subsurface Quantification of Near-Infrared Markers During Surgery, Michael Jermyn, Kolbein Kolste, Julien Pichette, Guillaume Sheehy, Leticia Angulo-Rodriguez, Keith D. Paulsen, David W. Roberts, Brian C. Wilson, Kevin Petrecca, and Frederic Leblond
Association between Arsenic Exposure from Drinking Water and Longitudinal Change in Blood Pressure among HEALS Cohort Participants, Jieying Jiang, Mengling Liu, Faruque Parvez, Binhuan Wang, Fen Wu, Mahbub Eunus, Sripal Bangalore, Jonathan D. Newman, Alauddin Ahmed, Tariqul Islam, Muhammed Rakibuz-Zaman, Rabiul Hasan, Golam Sarwar, Diane Levy, Vesna Slavkovich, Maria Argos, Molly Scannell Bryan, Shohreh F. Farzan, Richard B. Hayes, Joseph H. Graziano, Habibul Ahsan, and Yu Chen
Dendritic Cell Autophagy Contributes to Herpes Simplex Virus-Driven Stromal Keratitis and Immunopathology, Yike Jiang, Xiaotang Yin, Patrick M. Stuart, and David A. Leib
The Happy Older Latinos are Active (HOLA) Health Promotion and Prevention Study: Study Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial, Daniel E. Jimenez, Charles F. Reynolds, Margarita Alegría, Philip Harvey, and Stephen Bartels
Actin Filaments Target the Oligomeric Maturation of the Dynamin Gtpase Drp1 to Mitochondrial Fission Sites, Wei-ke Ji, Anna L. Hatch, Ronald A. Merrill, Stefan Strack, and Henry N. Higgs
DNA Methylation in Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Related with Future Development of Invasive Breast Cancer, Kevin C. Johnson, Devin C. Koestler, Thomas Fleischer, Panpan Chen, Erik G. Jenson, Jonathan D. Marotti, Tracy Onega, Vessela N. Kristenen, and Brock C. Christensen
Experimentally-Derived Fibroblast Gene Signatures Identify Molecular Pathways Associated with Distinct Subsets of Systemic Sclerosis Patients in Three Independent Cohorts, Michael E. Johnson, J. Matthew Mahoney, Jaclyn Taroni, Jennifer L. Sargent, Eleni Marmarelis, Ming-ru Wu, John Varga, Monique E. Hinchcliff, and Michael L. Whitfield
Investigating the Consistency of Stellar Evolution Models with Globular Cluster Observations via the Red Giant Branch Bump, M. Joyce and B. Chaboyer
In Vivo Cigarette Smoke Exposure Decreases CCL20, SLPI, and BD-1 Secretion by Human Primary Nasal Epithelial Cells, James Jukosky, Benoit J. Gosselin, Leah Foley, Tenzin Dechen, Steven Fiering, and Mardi A. Crane-Godreau
Eisosomes Provide Membrane Reservoirs for Rapid Expansion of the Yeast Plasma Membrane, Ruth Kabeche, Louisa Howard, and James B. Moseley
Social Communication of Predator-Induced Changes in Drosophila Behavior and Germ Line Physiology, Balint Z. Kacsoh, Julianna Bozler, Mani Ramaswami, and Giovanni Bosco
Pre-treatment protoporphyrin IX concentration in actinic keratosis lesions may be a predictive biomarker of response to aminolevulinic-acid based photodynamic therapy, Stephen Kanick, Scott Davis, KL Sheehan, Yan Zhao, Tayyaba Hasan, Edward Maytin, Brian Pogue, and Michael Chapman
Pre- treatment protoporphyrin IX concentration in actinic keratosis lesions predicts response to aminolevulinic-acid based photodynamic therapy, Stephen Kanick, Scott Davis, Yan Zhao, Tayyaba Hasan, and Edward Maytin
Systematic Bias and Nontransparency in US Social Security Administration Forecasts, Konstantin Kashin, Gary King, and Samir Soneji
Highly Constrained Intergenic Drosophila Ultraconserved Elements Are Candidate ncRNAs, Andrew D. Kern, Daniel A. Barbash, Joshua Chang Mell, Daniel Hupalo, and Amanda Jensen
Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Autologous Transplantation: The Cure for Chronic Pancreatitis?, Samuel J. Kesseli, Kerrington A. Smith, and Timothy B. Gardner
GEneSTATION 1.0: A Synthetic Resource of Diverse Evolutionary and Functional Genomic Data for Studying The Evolution of Pregnancy-Associated Tissues and Phenotypes, Mara Kim, Brian A. Cooper, Rohit Venkat, Julie B. Phillips, Haley R. Eidem, Jibril Hirbo, Sashank Nutakki, Scott M. Williams, Louis J. Muglia, J. Anthony Capra, Kenneth Petren, Patrick Abbot, Antonis Rokas, and Kriston L. McGary