Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2015


Bioenergy and African Transformation, Lee R. Lynd, Mariam Sow, Annie Chimphango, Luis Cortez, Carlos H. Brito Cruz, Mosad Elmissiry, and Mark Laser


Placental DNA Methylation Related to Both Infant Toenail Mercury and Adverse Neurobehavioral Outcomes, Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar Maccani, Devin C. Koestler, Barry Lester, E Andres Houseman, David A. Armstrong, Karl T. Kelsey, and Carmen J. Marsit


Optimal Design of Trade Agreements in the Presence of Renegotiation, Giovanni Maggi and Robert W. Staiger


Systems Level Analysis of Systemic Sclerosis Shows a Network of Immune and Profibrotic Pathways Connected with Genetic Polymorphisms, J. Matthew Mahoney, Jaclyn Taroni, Viktor Martyanov, Tammara A. A. Wood, Casey S. Greene, Patricia A. Pioli, Monique E. Hinchcliff, and Michael L. Whitfield


A Mitochondria-Anchored Isoform of the Actin-Nucleating Spire Protein Regulates Mitochondrial Division, Uri Manor, Sadie Bartholomew, Gonen Golani, Eric Christenson, Michael Kozlov, Henry Higgs, James Spudich, and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz


A Fast Algorithm for Simulating Multiphase Flows Through Periodic Geometries of Arbitrary Shape, Gary R. Marple, Alex Barnett, Adrianna Gillman, and Shravan Veerapaneni


Spectroscopic Confirmation of an Ultramassive and Compact Galaxy at Z = 3.35: A Detailed Look at an Early Progenitor of Local Giant Ellipticals, Z. Cemile Marsan, Danilo Marchesini, Gabriel B. Brammer, Mauro Stefanon, Adam Muzzin, Alberto Fernández-Soto, Stefan Geier, and Kevin N. Hainline


Influence of Environmental Exposure on Human Epigenetic Regulation, C. J. Marsit


Bypassing Iron Storage in Endodermal Vacuoles Rescues the Iron Mobilization Defect in the Natural Resistance Associated-Macrophage Protein3natural Resistance Associated-Macrophage Protein4 Double Mutant, Viviane Mary, Magali Schnell Ramos, Cynthia Gillet, Amanda L. Socha, Jerome Giraudat, Astrid Agorio, Sylvain Merlot, Colin Clairet, Sun A. Kim, Tracy Punshon, Mary Lou Guerinot, and Sebastien Thomine


SPARCoC: A New Framework for Molecular Pattern Discovery and Cancer Gene Identification, Shiqian Ma, Daniel Johnson, Cody Ashby, Donghai Xiong, Carole L. Cramer, Jason H. Moore, Shuzhong Zhang, and Xiuzhen Huang


Predicting Landscape-Scale CO 2 Flux at a Pasture and Rice Paddy with Long-Term Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance Measurements, J. H. Matthes, S. H. Knox, C. Sturtevant, and O. Sonnentag


Does Online Availability Increase Citations? Theory And Evidence From A Panel Of Economics And Business Journals, Mark J. McCabe and Christopher M. Snyder


Informal Employment in a Growing and Globalizing Low-Income Country, Brian McCaig and Nina Pavcnik


Molecular Dyes used for Surgical Specimen Margin Orientation allow for Intraoperative Optical Assessment During Breast Conserving Surgery, David M. McClatchy, Venkataramanan Krishnaswamy, Stephen C. Kanick, Jonathan T. Elliott, Wendy A. Wells, Richard J. Barth Jr., Keith D. Paulsen, and Brian W. Pogue


A Self-Lysis Pathway that Enhances the Virulence of a Pathogenic Bacterium, Kirsty A. McFarland, Emily L. Dolben, Michele LeRoux, Tracy K. Kambara, Kathryn Ramsey, Robin Kirkpatrick, Joseph Mougous, Deborah Hogan, and Simon Dove


Shugoshin-1 Balances Aurora B Kinase Activity via PP2A to Promote Chromosome Bi-orientation, Amanda Meppelink, Lilian Kabeche, Martijn J.M. Vromans, Duane A. Compton, and Susanne M.A. Lens


Calibration and Optimization of 3D Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Guided Near Infrared Spectral Tomography, Kelly E. Michaelsen, Venkataramanan Krishnaswamy, Linxi Shi, Srinivasan Vedantham, Steven Poplack, Andrew Karellas, Brian Pogue, and Keith Paulsen


Deep Groundwater and Potential Subsurface Habitats Beneath an Antarctic Dry Valley, J. A. Mikucki, E. Auken, S. Tulaczyk, R. A. Virginia, C. Schamper, K. I. Sørensen, P. T. Doran, H. Dugan, and N Foley


The Broad-Lined Type IC SN 2012ap and the Nature of Relativistic Supernovae Lacking a Gamma-Ray Burst Detection, D. Milisavljevic, R. Margutti, J. T. Parrent, A. M. Soderberg, and R. A. Fesen


Willingness to test for BRCA1/2 in High Risk Women: Influenced by Risk Perception and Family Experience, rather than by Objective or Subjective Numeracy?, Talya Miron-Shatz, Yaniv Hanoch, Benjamin A. Katz, Glen M. Doniger, and Elissa M. Ozanne


Amikacin Concentrations Predictive of Ototoxicity in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients, Chawangwa Modongo, Jotam G. Pasipanodya, Nicola M. Zetola, and Scott M. Williams


Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and DFT Calculations of Three New Cyano(phenylsulfonyl)indoles and a Key Synthetic Precursor Compound, William Montgomery, Justin Lopchuk, Gordon Gribble, and Jerry Jasinski


Evolution from Electrophysiologic to Hemodynamic Monitoring: The Story of Left Atrial and Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitors, Deirdre M. Mooney, Erik Fung, Rahul N. Doshi, and David M. Shavelle


Iron-Dependent Gene Expression in Actinomyces Oris, Matthew P. Mulé, David Giacalone, Kayla Lawlor, Alexa Golden, Caroline Cook, Thomas Lott, Elizabeth Aksten, George A. O'Toole, and Lori J. Bergeron


The Nustar Extragalactic Surveys: Initial Results and Catalog from the Extended Chandra Deep Field South, J. R. Mullaney, A. Del-Moro, J. Aird, D. M. Alexander, F. M. Civano, and R. C. Hickox