Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2012


Propentofylline Targets Troy, a Novel Microglial Signaling Pathway, Valerie L. Jacobs, Yingna Liu, and Joyce A. De Leo


Using Participatory Scenarios to Stimulate Social Learning for Collaborative Sustainable Development, Kris A. Johnson, Genya Dana, Nicholas R. Jordan, Kathy J. Draeger, and Anne Kapuscinski


3,3-Dimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetra­hydro­cyclo­penta­[b]indole-1,2-dione (bruceolline E), Jason A. Jordon, Jeanese C. Badenock, Gordon W. Gribble, Jerry P. Jasinski, and James A. Golen


Scattering phase Function Spectrum Makes Reflectance Spectrum Measured from Intralipid phantoms and Tissue Sensitive to the Device Detection Geometry, S. C. Kanick, V. Krishnaswamy, U. A. Gamm, H. J.C.M Sterenborg, D. J. Robinson, A. Amelink, and B. W. Pogue


Evidence on the Human Health Effects of Low-Level Methylmercury Exposure, Margaret R. Karagas, Anna L. Choi, Emily Oken, Milena Horvat, Rita Schoeny, Elizabeth Kamai, Whitney Cowell, Philippe Grandjean, and Susan Korrick


Automated Synthesis of Dynamically Corrected Quantum Gates, Kaveh Khodjasteh, Hendrik Bluhm, and Lorenza Viola


11-12 Gyr Old White Dwarfs 30 Pc Away, Mukremin Kilic, John R. Thorstensen, P. M. Kowalski, and J. Andrews


Gene Ontology Analysis of Pairwise Genetic Associations in Two Genome-Wide Studies of Sporadic ALS, Nora Chung Kim, Peter C. Andrews, Folkert W. Asselbergs, H Robert Frost, Scott M. Williams, Brent T. Harris, Cynthia Read, Kathleen D. Askland, and Jason H. Moore


The Prevalence and Characteristics of Suicidality in HIV/AIDS as Seen in an African Population in Entebbe District, Uganda, Eugene Kinyanda, Susan Hoskins, Juliet Nakku, Saira Nawaz, and Vikram Patel


Spatial Frequency Domain Tomography of Protoporphyrin IX Fluorescence in Preclinical Glioma Models, Soren D. Konecky, Chris M. Owen, Tyler Rice, Pablo A. Valdés, Chris M. Owen, Pablo A. Valdes, David W. Roberts, Kolbein Kolste, Frederic Leblond, Keith D. Paulsen, and Brian C. Wilson


Effects of Low-Dose Drinking Water Arsenic on Mouse Fetal and Postnatal Growth and Development, Courtney D. Kozul-Horvath, Fokko Zandbergen, Brian P. Jackson, Richard I. Enelow, and Joshua W. Hamilton


When Less is More: Evolutionary Origins of the Affect Heuristic, Jerald D. Kralik, Eric R. Xu, Emily J. Knight, Sara A. Khan, and William J. Levine


A Digital X-Ray Tomosynthesis Coupled Near Infrared Spectral Tomography System for Dual-Modality Breast Imaging, Venkataramanan Krishnaswamy, Kelly E. Michaelsen, Brian W. Pogue, Steven P. Poplack, Ian Shaw, Ken Defrietas, Ken Brooks, and Keith D. Paulsen


Minor Pilins of the Type IV Pilus System Participate in the Negative Regulation of Swarming Motility, S L. Kuchma, E. F. Griffin, and G. A. O'Toole


Selective Impact of HIV Disease Progression on the Innate Immune System in the Human Female Reproductive Tract, Timothy Lahey, Mimi Ghosh, John V. Fahey, Zheng Shen, Lucy R. Mukura, Yan Song, Susan Cu-Uvin, Kenneth H. Mayer, Peter F. Wright, John C. Kappes, Christina Ochsenbauer, and Charles R. Wira


Surficial Redistribution of Fallout 131iodine in a Small Temperate Catchment, Joshua D. Landis, Nathan T. Hamm, Carl E. Renshaw, W. Brian Dade, Francis J. Magilligan, and John D. Gartner


Minimum Cost of Transport in Asian Elephants: Do We Really Need a Bigger Elephant?, V. A. Langman, M. F. Rowe, T. J. Roberts, N. V. Langman, and C. R. Taylor


Microbiological Components in Mainstream and Sidestream Cigarette Smoke, Lennart Larsson, Christina Pehrson, Tenzin Dechen, and Mardi Crane-Godreau


Farnesol and Cyclic AMP Signaling Effects on the Hypha-to-Yeast Transition in Candida Albicans, Allia K. Lindsay, Aurélie Deveau, Amy E. Piispanen, and Deborah A. Hogan


Med5(Nut1) and Med17(Srb4) are Direct Targets of Mediator Histone H4 Tail Interactions, Zhongle Liu and Lawrence C. Myers


Genetic Association Analysis of Complex Diseases Incorporating Intermediate Phenotype Information, Yafang Li, Jian Huang, and Christopher I. Amos


Multivoxel Patterns in Face-Sensitive Temporal Regions Reveal an Encoding Schema Based on Detecting Life in a Face, Christine E. Looser, Jyothi S. Guntupalli, and Thalia Wheatley


Multi-payload measurement of transverse velocity shears in the topside ionosphere, E. T. Lundberg, P. M. Kintner, Kristina A. Lynch, and M. R. Mella


Multipayload interferometric wave vector determination of auroral hiss, E. T. Lundberg, P. M. Kintner, S. P. Powell, and Kristina A. Lynch


Electron temperature in the cusp as measured with the SCIFER-2 sounding rocket, E. J. Lund, M. R. Lessard, F. Sigernes, D. A. Lorentzen, K. Oksavik, P. M. Kintner, Kristina A. Lynch, D. H. Huang, B. C. Zhang, H. G. Yang, and Y. Ogawa