Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2011


Characterization of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor Biotype Variant Clinical Isolates from Bangladesh and Haiti, Including a Molecular Genetic Analysis of Virulence Genes, Mike S. Son, Christina J. Megli, Gabriela Kovacikova, Firdausi Qadri, and Ronald K. Taylor


Excitation of zero-frequency magnetic field-aligned currents by ionospheric heating, A V. Streltsov and T R. Pedersen


Rho Activation of mDia Formins is Modulated by an Interaction with Inverted Formin 2 (INF2), Hua Sun, Johannes S. Schlondorff, Elizabeth J. Brown, Henry N. Higgs, and Martin R. Pollak


Privacy Analysis of User Association Logs in a Large-Scale Wireless Lan, Keren Tan, Guanhua Yan, Jihwang Yeo, and David Kotz


Catch, Clean, and Release: A Survey of Obstacles and Opportunities for Network Trace Sanitization, Keren Tan, Jihwang Yeo, Michael E. Locasto, and David Kotz


Dynamical Masses of Early-Type Galaxies: A Comparison to Lensing Results and Implications for the Stellar Initial Mass Function and the Distribution of Dark Matter, J. Thomas, R. P. Saglia, R. Bender, D. Thomas, K. Gebhardt, J. Magorrian, E. M. Corsini, G. Wegner, and S. Seitz


Chromosome Missegregation in Human Cells Arises through Specific Types of Kinetochore–Microtubule Attachment Errors, Sarah L. Thompson and Duane A. Compton


CD2AP Regulates SUMOylation of CIN85 in Podocytes, Irini Tossidou, Rainer Niedenthal, Malte Klaus, Beina Teng, Kirstin Worthmann, Benjamin King, and Kevin Peterson


Magnetopause Displacements: the Possible Role of Dust, R. A. Treumann and W. Baumjohann


Relativistic transformation of phase-space distributions, R A. Treumann, R Nakamura, and W Baumjohann


A Model of So-Called "Zebra" Emissions in Solar Flare Radio Burst Continua, R. A. Treumann, R. Nakamura, and W. Baumjohann


Downward Auroral Currents from the Reconnection Hall-Region, R. A. Treumann, R. Nakamura, and W. Baumjohann


Flux Quanta, Magnetic Field Lines, Merging – Some Sub-Microscale Relations of Interest in Space Plasma Physics, R. A. Treumann, R. Nakamura, and W. Baumjohann


The Cataclysmic Variable SDSS J1507+52: An Eclipsing Period Bouncer in the Galactic Halo, Helena Uthas, Christian Knigge, Knox S. Long, Joseph Patterson, and John Thorstensen


Combined Fluorescence and Reflectance Spectroscopy for In Vivo Quantification of Cancer Biomarkers in Low- and High-Grade Glioma Surgery, Pablo A. Valdés, Anthony Kim, Keith D. Paulsen, Frederic Leblond, Olga M. Conde, Brent T. Harris, and David W. Roberts


Second-Order Weak Lensing from Modified Gravity, R. Ali Vanderveld, Robert R. Caldwell, and Jason Rhodes


Aging is Associated with Positive Responding to Neutral Information but Reduced Recovery from Negative Information, Carien M. van Reekum, Stacey M. Schaefer, Regina C. Lapate, Catherine J. Norris, Lawrence L. Greischar, and Richard J. Davidson


Targeted Drug-Resistance Testing Strategy for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Detection, Lima, Peru, 2005–2008, Gustavo E. Velásquez, Martin Yagui, J Peter Cegielski, Luis Asencios, Jaime Bayona, Cesar Bonilla, Hector O. Jave, Gloria Yale, Carmen Suárez, Sidney Atwood, Carmen C. Contreras, and Sonya S. Shin


Discovery of a Bright, Extremely Low Mass White Dwarf in a Close Double Degenerate System, S. Vennes, J. R. Thorstensen, A. Kawka, P. Németh, and J. N. Skinner


Supplier-Induced Demand for Psychiatric Admissions in Northern New England, Bradley V. Watts, Brian Shiner, Gunnar Klauss, and William B. Weeks


The Double Galaxy Cluster Abell 2465 - I. Basic Properties: Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy, Gary A. Wegner


Genetic Determinants of UV-Susceptibility in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer, Marleen M. Welsh, Margaret R. Karagas, Jacquelyn K. Kuriger, Andres Houseman, Steven K. Spencer, Ann E. Perry, and Heather H. Nelson


Mind Perception: Real but Not Artificial Faces Sustain Neural Activity beyond the N170/VPP, Thalia Wheatley, Anna Weinberg, Christine Looser, Tim Moran, and Greg Hajcak


Episodic Radiations in the Fly Tree of Life, Brian M. Wiegmann, Michelle D. Trautwein, Isaac S. Winkler, Norman B. Barr, Jung-Wook Kim, Christine Lambkin, Matthew Bertone, Brian Cassel, Keith Bayless, and Alysha Heimberg


Erect Wing Facilitates Context-Dependent Wnt/Wingless Signaling by Recruiting the Cell-Specific Armadillo-TCF Adaptor Earthbound to Chromatin, Nan Xin, Hassina Benchabane, Ai Tian, Kerrie Nguyen, Lindsay Klofas, and Yashi Ahmed