Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2010
Comparing Implementations of Magnetic-Resonance-Guided Fluorescence Molecular Tomography for Diagnostic Classification of Brain Tumors, Scott C. Davis, Kimberley S. Samkoe, Julia A. O’Hara, Summer L. Gibbs-Strauss, Keith D. Paulsen, and Brian W. Pogue
Farnesol Induces Hydrogen Peroxide Resistance in Candida albicans Yeast by Inhibiting the Ras-Cyclic AMP Signaling Pathway, Aurélie Deveau, Amy E. Piispanen, Angelyca A. Jackson, and Deborah A. Hogan
Pcdp1 is a Central Apparatus Protein that Binds Ca2+-Calmodulin and Regulates Ciliary Motility, Christen G. DiPetrillo and Elizabeth F. Smith
Disclosure by Politicians, Simeon Djankov, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and Andrei Shleifer
Renin-Angiotensin System Activation Correlates with Microvascular Dysfunction in a Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical Sepsis, Kevin C. Doerschug, Angela S. Delsing, Gregory A. Schmidt, and Alix Ashare
Primary Human Mammary Epithelial Cells Endocytose HIV-1 and Facilitate Viral Infection of CD4+ T Lymphocytes, Stephanie M. Dorosko and Ruth I. Connor
Countervailing Power In Wholesale Pharmaceuticals, Sara F. Ellison and Christopher M. Snyder
Differential Activation of Frontoparietal Attention Networks by Social and Symbolic Spatial Cues, Andrew D. Engell, Lauri Nummenmaa, Nikolaas N. Oosterhof, Richard N. Henson, James V. Haxby, and Andrew J. Calder
Building Graphs from Colored Trees, Rachel M. Esselstein and Peter Winkler
Conserving Migratory Land Birds in the New World: Do We Know Enough?, John Faaborg, Richard T. Holmes, Angela D. Anders, and Keith L. Bildstein
Optical Discovery of an Apparent Galactic Supernova Remnant g159.6+7.3, Robert A. Fesen and Dan Milisavljevic
The Nature of the Strong 24 Μmspitzersource J222557+601148: Not a Young Galactic Supernova Remnant, Robert A. Fesen and Dan Milisavljevic
Non-Gaussianity from Self-Ordering Scalar Fields, Daniel G. Figueroa, Robert R. Caldwell, and Marc Kamionkowski
Avirulent Uracil Auxotrophs Based on Disruption of Orotidine-5′-Monophosphate Decarboxylase Elicit Protective Immunity to Toxoplasma gondii, Barbara A. Fox and David J. Bzik
Characterization of an Implicitly Resistively-Loaded Monopole Antenna in Lossy Liquid Media, Colleen J. Fox, Paul M. Meaney, Fridon Shubitidze, Lincoln Potwin, and Keith D. Paulsen
Genetic and Molecular Characterization of a Cryptochrome from the Filamentous Fungus Neurospora Crassa, Allan C. Froehlich, Chen-Hui Chen, William J. Belden, and Cornelia Madeti
Invasive Predators Deplete Genetic Diversity of Island Lizards, Amandine Gasc, M. C. Duryea, Robert M. Cox, Andrew Kern, and Ryan Calsbeek
Improved IBD Detection Using Incomplete Haplotype Information, Giulio Genovese, Gregory Leibon, Martin R. Pollak, and Daniel N. Rockmore
Characterizing Accuracy of Total Hemoglobin Recovery Using Contrast-Detail Analysis in 3D Image-Guided Near Infrared Spectroscopy with the Boundary Element Method, Hamid R. Ghadyani, Subhadra Srinivasan, Brian W. Pogue, and Keith D. Paulsen
Anti-HIV Activity in Cervical-Vaginal Secretions from HIV-Positive and -Negative Women Correlate with Innate Antimicrobial Levels and IgG Antibodies, Mimi Ghosh, John V. Fahey, Zheng Shen, Timothy Lahey, Susan Cu-Uvin, Zhijin Wu, Kenneth Mayer, Peter F. Wright, John C. Kappes, Christina Ochsenbauer, and Charles R. Wira
Put Your Money Where Your Butt Is: A Commitment Contract for Smoking Cessation, Xavier Giné, Dean Karlan, and Jonathan Zinman
Long-Lived Time-Dependent Remnants during Cosmological Symmetry Breaking: From Inflation to the Electroweak Scale, Marcelo Gleiser, Noah Graham, and Nikitas Stamatopoulos
Lidar Remote Sensing Variables Predict Breeding Habitat of a Neotropical Migrant Bird, Scott J. Goetz, Daniel Steinberg, Matthew G. G. Betts, and Richard T. Holmes
Quantum Equivalent Magnetic Fields that are not Classically Equivalent, Carolyn Gordon, William Kirwin, Dorothee Schueth, and David Webb
Progressive Changes in Microglia and Macrophages in Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve in the Transgenic Rat Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, David J. Graber, William F. Hickey, and Brent T. Harris