Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2007
The Extracellular Matrix and Blood Vessel Formation: Not Just a Scaffold, John M. Rhodes and Michael Simons
p53 Activation by Knockdown Technologies, Mara E. Robu, Jon D. Larson, Aidas Nasevicius, Soraya Beiraghi, and Charles Brenner
Following Temperature Stress, Export of Heat Shock mRNA Occurs Efficiently in Cells with Mutations in Genes Normally Important for mRNA Export, Christiane Rollenhagen, Christine A. Hodge, and Charles N. Cole
The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. I. Overview and Clusters without PreviousHubble Space Telescope Photometry, Ata Sarajedini, Luigi R. Bedin, Brian Chaboyer, Aaron Dotter, Michael H. Siegel, Jay Anderson, Antonio Aparicio, Ivan King, Steven R. Majewski, A. Marin-Franch, Giampolo Piotto, I. Neill Reid, and Alfred Rosenberg
Regulation of Human Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (Cftr) by Serum- and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Kinase (Sgk1), J. Denry Sato, M. Christine Chapline, Renee Thibodeau, Raymond A. Frizzell, and Bruce A. Stanton
The Yeast Integral Membrane Protein Apq12 Potentially Links Membrane Dynamics to Assembly of Nuclear Pore Complexes, John J. Scarcelli, Christin A. Hodge, and Charles N. Cole
A Serratia marcescens OxyR Homolog Mediates Surface Attachment and Biofilm Formation, Robert M. Q. Shanks, Nicholas A. Stella, Eric J. Kalivoda, and Megan R. Doe
Gene Response Profiles for Daphnia Pulex Exposed to the Environmental Stressor Cadmium Reveals Novel Crustacean Metallothioneins, Joseph R. Shaw, John K. Colbourne, Jennifer C. Davey, Stephen P. Glaholt, Thomas H. Hampton, Celia Y. Chen, Carol L. Folt, and Joshua W. Hamilton
Let-7 Expression Defines Two Differentiation Stages of Cancer, Scott Shell, Sun-Mi Park, Amir Reza Radjabi, Robert Schickel, Emily Kistner, and David Jewell
A Developmental Cycle Masks Output from the Circadian Oscillator Under Conditions of Choline Deficiency in Neurospora, Mi Shi, Luis F. Larrondo, Jennifer J. Loros, and Jay C. Dunlap
The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters: M54 and Young Populations in the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy, Michael H. Siegel, Aaron Dotter, Steven R. Majewski, Ata Sarajedini, Brian Chaboyer, David L. Nidever, Jay Anderson, Antonio Martin-French, Alfred Rosenberg, Luigi R. Bedin, Antonio Aparicio, Ivan King, Giampolo Piotto, and I. Neill Reid
Are You Sure You're Saving Enough for Retirement?, Jonathan Skinner
Evaluating Opportunistic Routing Protocols with Large Realistic Contact Traces, Libo Song and David Kotz
Receiver Operating Characteristic and Location Analysis of Simulated Near-Infrared Tomography Images, Xiaomei Song, Brian W. Pogue, Hamid Dehghani, Shudong Jiang, Keith D. Paulsen, and Tor D. Tosteson
Endothelial Stomatal and Fenestral Diaphragms in Normal Vessels and Angiogenesis, R. V. Stan
A Novel RUNX2 Missense Mutation Predicted to Disrupt DNA Binding Causes Cleidocranial Dysplasia in a Large Chinese Family with Hyperplastic Nails, Shaohua Tang, Qiyu Xu, Xueqin Xu, Jicheng Du, Xuemei Yang, Yusheng Jiang, Xiaoqin Wang, Nancy Speck, and Taosheng Huang
Nicotinamide Riboside Kinase Structures Reveal New Pathways to NAD+, Wolfram Tempel, Wael M. Rabeh, Katrina L. Bogan, Peter Belenky, Marzena Wojcik, Heather F. Seidle, Lyudmila Nedyalkova, Tianle Yang, Anthony A. Sauve, Hee-Won Park, and Charles Brenner
Dynamical Modelling of Luminous and Dark Matter in 17 Coma Early-Type Galaxies, J. Thomas, R. O. Saglia, R. Bender, D. Thomas, J K. Gebhardt, J. Magorrian, E. M. Corsini, and G. Wegner
Factors Associated with Atypical Moles in New Hampshire, USA, L Titus-Ernstoff, J Ding, A. E. Perry, S. K. Spencer, B. F. Cole, and M. S. Ernstoff
Impact of Minimum Winter Temperatures on the Population Dynamics of Dendroctonus Frontalis, J. Khải Trần, Tiina Ylioja, Ronald F. Billings, Jacques Régnière, and Matthew P. Ayres
Membrane Association and Multimerization of TcpT, the Cognate ATPase Ortholog of the Vibrio cholerae Toxin-Coregulated-Pilus Biogenesis Apparatus, Shital A. Tripathi and Ronald K. Taylor
Role of Actin Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Activation of the Cyclic AMP Pathway and HWP1 Gene Expression in Candida Albicans, Michael J. Wolyniak and Paula Sundstrom
The Wind‐ISM Interaction of α Tauri, Brian E. Wood, Graham M. Harper, Hans-Reinhard Muller, Jacob Heerikhuisen, and Gary P. Zank
Parasites Alter Community Structure, Chelsea L. Wood, James E. Byers, Kathryn L. Cottingham, and Irit Altman
Workshop Report — Crawdad Workshop 2006, Jihwang Yeo, Tristan Henderson, and David Kotz