Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2007


The Flagellum of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Is Required for Resistance to Clearance by Surfactant Protein A, Shiping Zhang, Francis X. McCormack, Roger C. Levesque, George A. O'Toole, and Gee W. Lau


Dynamical Control of Electron Spin Coherence In a Quantum Dot: A Theoretical Study, Wenxian Zhang, V. V. Dobrovitski, Lea F. Santos, Lorenza Viola, and B. N. Harmon

Submissions from 2006


Arsenic Exposure is Associated with Decreased DNA Repair in Vitro and in Individuals Exposed to Drinking Water Arsenic, Angeline S. Andrew, Jefferey L. Burgess, Maria M. Meza, Eugene Demidenko, Mary G. Waugh, Joshua W. Hamilton, and Margaret R. Karagas


Duan's Fixed Point Theorem: Proof and Generalization, Martin Arkowitz


A Role for CETP TaqIB Polymorphism in Determining Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation: A Nested Case Control Study, Folkert W. Asselbergs, Jason H. Moore, Maarten P. van den Berg, and Eric B. Rimm


Does the U.S. Constitution Need an Equal Rights Amendment?, Lisa Baldez, Lee Epstein, and Andrew D. Martin


Cdx4 Dysregulates Hox Gene Expression and Generates Acute Myeloid Leukemia Alone and in Cooperation with Meis1a in a Murine Model, Dimple Bansal, Claudia Scholl, Stefan Frohling, Elizabeth McDowell, Benjamin H. Lee, Konstanze Döhner, and Patricia Ernst


Transposon Disruption of the Complex I NADH Oxidoreductase Gene (snoD) in Staphylococcus aureus Is Associated with Reduced Susceptibility to the Microbicidal Activity of Thrombin-Induced Platelet Microbicidal Protein 1, Arnold S. Bayer, Peter McNamara, Michael R. Yeaman, Natalie Lucindo, Tiffanny Jones, and Ambrose L. Cheung


Theoretical Uncertainties in Red Giant Branch Evolution: The Red Giant Branch Bump, Stephan R. R. Bjork and Brian Chaboyer


Fluid-Solid Transition in a Hard-Core System, Lewis Bowen, Russell Lyons, Charles Radin, and Peter Winkler


A Solidification Phenomenon in Random Packings, L. Bowen, R. Lyons, C. Radin, and P. Winkler


Imaging Breast Adipose and Fibroglandular Tissue Molecular Signatures by Using Hybrid MRI-Guided Near-Infrared Spectral Tomography, Ben Brooksby, Brian W. Pogue, Shudong Jiang, Hamid Dehghani, Subhadra Srinivasan, Christine Kogel, Tor D. Tosteson, John Weaver, Steven P. Poplack, and Keith D. Paulsen


Erv26p Directs Pro-Alkaline Phosphatase into Endoplasmic Reticulum–derived Coat Protein Complex II Transport Vesicles, Catherine A. Bue, Christine M. Bentivoglio, and Charles Barlowe


Decoherence and Recoherence in a Vibrating rf SQUID, Eyal Buks and M. P. Blencowe


Sudden Gravitational Transition, Robert R. Caldwell, William Komp, Leonard Parker, and Daniel A. T. Vanzella


Bounded Search for de Novo Identification of Degenerate Cis-Regulatory Elements, Jonathan M. Carlson, Arijit Chakravarty, Radhika S. Khetani, and Robert H. Gross


The Young Open Cluster NGC 2129, Giovanni Carraro, Brian Chaboyer, and James Perencevich


RAB-10 is Required for Endocytic Recycling in the Caenorhabditis elegans Intestine, Carlos Chih-Hsiung Chen, Peter J. Schweinsberg, Shilpa Vashist, Darren P. Mareiniss, Eric J. Lambie, and Barth D. Grant


Comparative investigations of equatorial electrodynamics and low-to-mid latitude coupling of the thermosphere-ionosphere system, M J. Colerico, M Mendillo, C G. Fesen, and J Meriwether


Lack of IL-15 Results in the Suboptimal Priming of CD4+ T Cell Response against an Intracellular Parasite, Crescent L. Combe, Magali M. Moretto, Joseph D. Schwartzman, Jason P. Gigley, David J. Bzik, and Imtiaz A. Khan


Exact Casimir Interaction Between Eccentric Cylinders, D. A. R. Dalvit, F. C. Lombardo, F. D. Mazzitelli, and R. Onofrio


From Canonical to Enhanced Extra Mixing in Low‐Mass Red Giants: Tidally Locked Binaries, Pavel A. Denissenkov, Brian Chaboyer, and Ke Li


Viral Ecology and the Maintenance of Novel Host Use, John Dennehy, Nicholas Friedenberg, Robert Holt, and Paul Turner


Bacteriophage Migration via Nematode Vectors: Host-Parasite-Consumer Interactions in Laboratory Microcosms, John J. Dennehy, Nicholas A. Friedenberg, Yul W. Yang, and Paul E. Turner


Channel Sampling Strategies for Monitoring Wireless Networks, Udayan Deshpande, Tristan Henderson, and David Kotz