Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2006
Integration without Unification: An Argument for Pluralism in the Biological Sciences, Sandra D. Mitchell and Michael R. Dietrich
Conservation of the Pho regulon in Pseudomonas Fluorescens Pf0-1, Russell D. Monds, Peter D. Newell, Julia A. Schwartzman, and George A. O'Toole
Multipartite Entanglement Generation and Fidelity Decay in Disordered Qubit Systems, Simone Montangero and Lorenza Viola
The Asymmetric Explosion of Type Ia Supernovae as Seen from Near-Infrared Observations, Kentaro Motohara, Keiichi Maeda, Christopher L. Gerardy, Ken'ichi Nomoto, Masaomi Tanaka, Nozomu Tominaga, Takuya Ohkubo, Paolo A. Mazzali, Robert A. Fesen, Peter Hoflich, and J. Craig Wheeler
GPNN: Power Studies and Applications of a Neural Network Method for Detecting Gene-Gene Interactions in Studies of Human Disease, Alison A. Motsinger, Stephen L. Lee, George Mellick, and Marylyn D. Ritchie
Heliospheric Response to Different Possible Interstellar Environments, Hans-Reinhard Muller, Priscilla C. Frisch, Vladimir Florinski, and Gary P. Zank
Binding of Internalized Receptors to the PDZ Domain of GIPC/Synectin Recruits Myosin VI to Endocytic Vesicles, Samia N. Naccache, Tama Hasson, and Arie Horowitz
Gammaherpesvirus Persistence Alters Key CD8 T-Cell Memory Characteristics and Enhances Antiviral Protection, Joshua J. Obar, Shinichiro Fuse, Erica K. Leung, Sarah C. Bellfy, and Edward J. Usherwood
The microstructure of meteoric ice from Vostok, Antarctica, Rachel Obbard and Ian Baker
Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction Patterns to Examine Recrystallization in Polar Ice Sheets, Rachel Obbard, Ian Baker, and Katherine Sieg
Innate Antiviral Response Targets HIV-1 Release by the Induction of Ubiquitin-Like Protein ISG15, Atsushi Okumura, Gengshi Lu, Ian Pitha-Rowe, and Paula M. Pitha
Improving Data Access for Computational Grid Applications, Ron Oldfield and David Kotz
Casimir Forces and Non-Newtonian Gravitation, Roberto Onofrio
An Essential Role for Endocytosis of Rhodopsin through Interaction of Visual Arrestin with the AP-2 Adaptor, Nicholas R. Orem, Luxi Xia, and Patrick J. Dolph
Salicylic Acid Activates Sigma Factor B by rsbU-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms, Marco Palma, Arnold Bayer, Leon I. Kupferwasser, Tammy Joska, Michael R. Yeaman, and Ambrose Cheung
A Subset of Arabidopsis AP2 Transcription Factors Mediates Cytokinin Responses in Concert with a Two-Component Pathway, Aaron M. Rashotte, Michael G. Mason, Claire E. Hutchison, Fernando J. Ferreira, G. Eric Schaller, and Joseph J. Kieber
Small-Scale Turbulence in a Closed-Field-Line Geometry, Paolo Ricci, B. N. Rogers, and W. Dorland
Nucleolin Is Required for RNA Polymerase I Transcription In Vivo, Brendan Rickards, S. Flint, Michael D. Cole, and Gary LeRoy
Transcutaneous Immunization with Toxin-Coregulated Pilin A Induces Protective Immunity against Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor Challenge in Mice, Julianne E. Rollenhagen, Anuj Kalsy, Francisca Cerda, and Manohar John
Structured waves near the plasma frequency observed in three auroral rocket flights, M Samara and J LaBelle
Enhanced Convergence and Robust Performance of Randomized Dynamical Decoupling, Lea F. Santos and Lorenza Viola
Brittle Compressive Failure of Ice: Proportional Straining vs Proportional Loading, E. M. Schulson and D. Iliescu
Faint X‐Ray Structure in the Crab Pulsar Wind Nebula, F. D. Seward, W. H. Tucker, and R. A. Fesen
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae-Based Molecular Tool Kit for Manipulation of Genes from Gram-Negative Bacteria, Robert M. Q. Shanks, Nicky C. Caiazza, Shannon M. Hinsa, Christine M. Toutain, and George A. O'Toole
Genetic and Maternal Determinants of Effective Dispersal: The Effect of Sire Genotype and Size at Birth in Side-Blotched Lizards, Barry Sinervo, Ryan Calsbeek, Tosha Comendant, and Christiaan Both