This collection contains works by faculty from the Dartmouth Department of Biological Sciences.


Submissions from 1998


Gregor Mendel: The First Geneticist, Michael Dietrich


Unifying Biology: The Evolutionary Synthesis and Evolutionary Biology, Michael Dietrich


Identification of a Family of Zinc Transporter Genes from Arabidopsis that Respond to Zinc Deficiency, Natasha Grotz, Tama Fox, Erin Connolly, Walter Park, Mary Lou Guerinot, and David Eide


Thermodynamic Constraints on Nitrogen Transformations and Other Biogeochemical Processes at Soil-Stream Interfaces, Lars O. Hedin, Joseph C. von Fischer, Nathaniel E. Ostrom, Brian P. Kennedy, Michael G. Brown, and G. Philip Robertson


Developmental Regulation of a Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor Controls Postembryonic Cell Cycle Progression in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Yang Hong, Richard Roy, and Victor Ambros


The Consequences of Changing the Top Predator in a Food Web: A Comparative Experimental Approach, Mark A. McPeek


Transport of ER Vesicles on Actin Filaments in Neurons by Myosin V, Joel S. Tabb, Bradley J. Molyneaux, Darien L. Cohen, Sergei A. Kuznetsov, and George M. Langford


The CArG Boxes in the Promoter of the Arabidopsis Floral Organ Identity Gene APETALA3 Mediate Diverse Regulatory Effects, Joline J. Tilly, David W. Allen, and Thomas Jack

Submissions from 1997


Competitive Interactions among Symbiotic Fungi of the Southern Pine Beetle, Kier D. Klepzig and Richard T. Wilkens


Site-Dependent Regulation of Population Size: a New Synthesis, Nicholas L. Rodenhouse, Thomas W. Sherry, and Richard T. Holmes


The Interaction between Cytoplasmic Dynein and Dynactin Is Required for Fast Axonal Transport, Clare M. Waterman-Storer, Sher B. Karki, Sergei A. Kuznetsov, Joel S. Tabb, Dieter G. Weiss, George M. Langford, and Erika L. F. Holzbaur

Submissions from 1996


Monte Carlo experiments and the defense of diffusion models in molecular population genetics, Michael Dietrich


On the Mutability of Genes and Geneticists: The "Americanization" of Richard Goldschmidt and Victor Jollos, Michael Dietrich


A Novel Iron-Regulated Metal Transporter from Plants Identified by Functional Expression in Yeast., David Eide, Margaret Broderius, Jeanette Fett, and Mary Lou Guerinot


Iron Uptake by Symbiosomes from Soybean Root Nodules., Kristin LeVier, David A. Day, and Mary Lou Guerinot


The Bradyrhizobium Japonicum fegA Gene Encodes an Iron-Regulated Outer Membrane Protein with Similarity to Hydroxamate-Type Siderophore Receptors., Kristin LeVier and Mary Lou Guerinot


Linking Local Species Interactions to Rates of Speciation in Communities, Mark A. McPeek


Trade-Offs, Food Web Structure, and the Coexistence of Habitat Specialists and Generalists, Mark A. McPeek

Submissions from 1995


3 Genes of the Map Kinase Cascade, MEK-2, MPK-1/SUR-1 and LET-60 RAS, Are Required for Meiotic Cell-Cycle Progression in Caenorhabditis-Elegans, Diane L. Church, Kun Liang Guan, and Eric J. Lambie


Richard Goldschmidt's "Heresies" and the Evolutionary Synthesis, Michael Dietrich


Foraging Behavior of American Redstarts in Breeding and Wintering Habitats: Implications for Relative Food Availability, Irby J. Lovette and Richard T. Holmes


Oxygen Control of the Bradyrhizobium Japonicum hemA Gene., Karen M. Page and Mary Lou Guerinot

Submissions from 1994


The Origins of the Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution, Michael Dietrich


LAG-2 may Encode a Signaling Ligand for the GLP-1 and LIN-12 Receptors of C-Elegans, Samuel T. Henderson, Dali Gao, Eric J. Lambie, and Judith Kimble


The PHA-4 Gene is Required to Generate the Pharyngeal Primordium of Caenorhabditis-Elegans, Susan E. Mango, Eric J. Lambie, and Judith Kimble


Testing Hypotheses About Evolutionary Change on Single Branches of a Phylogeny Using Evolutionary Contrasts, Mark A. McPeek


Effect of Iron Availability on Expression of the Bradyrhizobium Japonicum hemA Gene., Karen M. Page, Erin Connolly, and Mary Lou Guerinot

Submissions from 1993


The Primary Structure of a Fungal Chitin Deacetylase Reveals the Function for Two Bacterial Gene Products., Dimitris Kafetzopoulos, George Thireos, John N. Vournakis, and Vassilis Bouriotis


Molecular basis of the Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Activase Mutation in Arabidopsis Thaliana is a Guanine-To-Adenine Transition at the 5'-Splice Junction of Intron 3, Beverly M. Orozco, C Robertson McClung, Jeffrey M. Werneke, and William L. Ogren


Siderophore Utilization by Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Ora Plessner, Taryn Klapatch, and Mary Lou Guerinot

Submissions from 1992


Characterization of the Formate (for) Locus, which Encodes the Cytosolic Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase of Neurospora Crassa., C. Robertson McClung, Cynthia R. Davis, Karen M. Page, and Sylvia A. Denome


Evidence for Helical Structures in Poly(1-Olefin Sulfones) by Transmission Electron Microscopy, George C. Ruben and W H. Stockmayer

Submissions from 1991


Ecdysterone Regulatory Elements Function as Both Transcriptional Activators and Repressors., Leonard Dobens, Karen Rudolph, and Edward M. Berger

Submissions from 1990


Citrate as a Siderophore in Bradyrhizobium Japonicum., Mary Lou Guerinot, Erik J. Meidl, and Ora Plessner

Submissions from 1989


Protoporphyrinogen Oxidation, a Step in Heme Synthesis in Soybean Root Nodules and Free-Living Rhizobia., Nicholas J. Jacobs, Susan E. Borotz, and Mary Lou Guerinot

Submissions from 1988


Assessing Population Trends of New-Hampshire Forest Birds: Local vs Regional Patterns, Richard T. Holmes and Thomas W. Sherry

Submissions from 1987


Behavioral Feeding Specialization in Pinaroloxias Inornata, the “Darwin's Finch” of Cocos Island, Costa Rica, Tracey K. Werner and Thomas W. Sherry

Submissions from 1986


A DNA Sequence Analysis Program for the Apple Macintosh, Robert H. Gross


Comparison of Membrane Filter, Multiple-Fermentation-Tube, and Presence-Absence Techniques for Detecting Total Coliforms in Small Community Water Systems., Nicholas J. Jacobs, Wanda L. Zeigler, Frank C. Reed, Therese A. Stukel, and Eugene W. Rice


ATP-dependent Formation and Motility of Aster-like Structures with Isolated Calf Brain Microtubule Proteins., Richard C. Weisenberg, Robert D. Allen, and Shinya Inoue

Submissions from 1984


Body Size and Food Size in Freshwater Zooplankton, Kenneth Bogdan and John Gilbert


Isolation of a Collagenase cDNA Clone and Measurement of Changing Collagenase mRNA Levels during Induction in Rabbit Synovial Fibroblasts., Robert H. Gross, Lynn A. Sheldon, Colin F. Fletcher, and Constance E. Brinckerhoff

Submissions from 1982


Synthesis of Low Molecular Weight Heat Shock Peptides Stimulated by Ecdysterone In a Cultured Drosophila Cell Line., Robert C. Ireland and Edward M. Berger


Partial Reconstruction of the Microvillus Core Bundle: Characterization of Villin as a Ca(++)-Dependent, Actin-Bundling/Depolymerizing Protein, Paul T. Matsudaira and David Burgess

Submissions from 1981


The Isolation of Ecdysterone Inducible Genes by Hybridization Subtraction Chromatography, Michael P. Vitek, Susan G. Kreissman, and Robert H. Gross

Submissions from 1924


The effect of phosphates on respiration, Charles J. Lyon