Submissions from 2007
Representando el objeto de la controversia. El caso del reloj molecular, Michael Dietrich
Representing the object of controversy: The case of the molecular clock, Michael Dietrich
Manipulating Underdetermination in Scientific Controversy: The Case of the Molecular Clock, Michael Dietrich and Robert A. Skipper
A Conserved CaM- and Radial Spoke–Associated Complex Mediates Regulation of Flagellar Dynein Activity, Erin E. Dymek and Elizabeth F. Smith
The Role of Carcinine in Signaling at the Drosophila Photoreceptor Synapse, Brendan A. Gavin, Susan E. Arruda, and Patrick J. Dolph
Spatial Scaling of Avian Population Dynamics: Population Abundance, Growth Rate, and Variability, Jason Jones, Patrick J. Doran, and Richard T. Holmes
Stoichiometric Controls of Mercury Dilution by Growth, Roxanne Karimi, Celia Y. Chen, Paul C. Pickhardt, Nicholas S. Fisher, and Carol L. Folt
In Vivo Construction of Recombinant Molecules within the Caenorhabditis Elegans Germ Line Using Short Regions of Terminal Homology, Benedict J. Kemp, Julia Hatzold, Laura A. Sternick, Joshua Cornman-Homonoff, Jessica M. Whitaker, Pamela J. Tieu, and Eric J. Lambie
Regulation of Meiotic Cohesion and Chromosome Core Morphogenesis during Pachytene in Drosophila Oocytes, Radhika S. Khetani and Sharon E. Bickel
A Strong Constitutive Ethylene-Response Phenotype Conferred on Arabidopsis Plants Containing Null Mutations in the Ethylene Receptors ETR1 and ERS1, Xiang Qu, Brenda P. Hall, Zhiyong Gao, and G. Eric Schaller
Gene Response Profiles for Daphnia Pulex Exposed to the Environmental Stressor Cadmium Reveals Novel Crustacean Metallothioneins, Joseph R. Shaw, John K. Colbourne, Jennifer C. Davey, Stephen P. Glaholt, Thomas H. Hampton, Celia Y. Chen, Carol L. Folt, and Joshua W. Hamilton
Impact of Minimum Winter Temperatures on the Population Dynamics of Dendroctonus Frontalis, J. Khải Trần, Tiina Ylioja, Ronald F. Billings, Jacques Régnière, and Matthew P. Ayres
Parasites Alter Community Structure, Chelsea L. Wood, James E. Byers, Kathryn L. Cottingham, and Irit Altman
Submissions from 2006
Bounded Search for de Novo Identification of Degenerate Cis-Regulatory Elements, Jonathan M. Carlson, Arijit Chakravarty, Radhika S. Khetani, and Robert H. Gross
RAB-10 is Required for Endocytic Recycling in the Caenorhabditis elegans Intestine, Carlos Chih-Hsiung Chen, Peter J. Schweinsberg, Shilpa Vashist, Darren P. Mareiniss, Eric J. Lambie, and Barth D. Grant
Viral Ecology and the Maintenance of Novel Host Use, John Dennehy, Nicholas Friedenberg, Robert Holt, and Paul Turner
Bacteriophage Migration via Nematode Vectors: Host-Parasite-Consumer Interactions in Laboratory Microcosms, John J. Dennehy, Nicholas A. Friedenberg, Yul W. Yang, and Paul E. Turner
From Mendel to Molecules: A Brief History of Evolutionary Genetics, Michael Dietrich
Moments of Truth in Genetic Medicine, Michael Dietrich
Outsiders as Innovators in the Life Sciences, Michael Dietrich
Three Perspectives on Neutrality and Drift in Molecular Evolution, Michael Dietrich
Integration without unification: an argument for pluralism in the biological sciences, Michael Dietrich and Sandra D. Mitchell
A Kinesin-Like Calmodulin-Binding Protein in Chlamydomonas: Evidence for a Role in Cell Division and Flagellar Functions, Erin E. Dymek, Daniel Goduti, Tal Kramer, and Elizabeth F. Smith
Evaluating the Long-Term Metacommunity Dynamics of Tree Hole Mosquitoes, Alicia M. Ellis, L. Philip Lounibos, and Marcel Holyoak
AgSwe1p Regulates Mitosis in Response to Morphogenesis and Nutrients in Multinucleated Ashbya gossypii Cells, Hanspeter Helfer and Amy S. Gladfelter
Limited Functional Redundancy and Oscillation of Cyclins in Multinucleated Ashbya Gossypii Fungal Cells, A. Katrin Hungerbuehler, Peter Philippsen, and Amy S. Gladfelter
Coexistence of the Niche and Neutral Perspectives in Community Ecology, Mathew A. Leibold and Mark A. McPeek
Linking Direct and Indirect Data on Dispersal: Isolation by Slope in a Headwater Stream Salamander, Winsor H. Lowe, Gene E. Likens, Mark A. McPeek, and Don C. Buso
Enzyme–microbe Synergy During Cellulose Hydrolysis by Clostridium Thermocellum, Yanpin Lu, Yi-Heng P. Zhang, and Lee R. Lynd
Integration without Unification: An Argument for Pluralism in the Biological Sciences, Sandra D. Mitchell and Michael R. Dietrich
An Essential Role for Endocytosis of Rhodopsin through Interaction of Visual Arrestin with the AP-2 Adaptor, Nicholas R. Orem, Luxi Xia, and Patrick J. Dolph
A Subset of Arabidopsis AP2 Transcription Factors Mediates Cytokinin Responses in Concert with a Two-Component Pathway, Aaron M. Rashotte, Michael G. Mason, Claire E. Hutchison, Fernando J. Ferreira, G. Eric Schaller, and Joseph J. Kieber
Genetic and Maternal Determinants of Effective Dispersal: The Effect of Sire Genotype and Size at Birth in Side-Blotched Lizards, Barry Sinervo, Ryan Calsbeek, Tosha Comendant, and Christiaan Both
Time Constraints Mediate Predator-Induced Plasticity in Immune Function, Condition, and Life History, Robby Stoks, Marjan De Block, Stefanie Slos, Wendy Van Doorslaer, and Jens Rolff
Submissions from 2005
Ecological Costs and Benefits of Defenses in Nectar, Lynn S. Adler and Rebecca E. Irwin
Integrated Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification Platform Based on Ralstonia eutropha, Gavin C. Barnard, Jesse D. McCool, David W. Wood, and Tillman U. Gerngross
Knowing When to Draw the Line: Designing More Informative Ecological Experiments, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Jay T. Lennon, and Bryan L. Brown
Discovering Cell Mechanisms: The Creation of Modern Cell Biology, Michael Dietrich
Two Men Who Invented Genetics, Michael Dietrich
Writing the Future: Progress and Evolution, Michael Dietrich
Characterization of the Yeast Ionome: A Genome-Wide Analysis of Nutrient Mineral and Trace Element Homeostasis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, David J. Eide, Suzanne Clark, T . Murlidharan Nair, Mathias Gehl, Michael Gribskov, Mary Lou Guerinot, and Jeffrey Harper
Susceptibility of Biofilms to Bdellovibrio Bacteriovorus Attack, Daniel Kadouri and George A. O'Toole
A Three-Component Regulatory System Regulates Biofilm Maturation and Type III Secretion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sherry l. Kuchma, John P. Connolly, and George A. O'Toole
Origin of the Eumetazoa: Testing Ecological Predictions of Molecular Clocks against the Proterozoic Fossil Record, Kevin J. Peterson and Nicholas J. Butterfield
Role of Spontaneous Current Oscillations during High-Efficiency Electrotransformation of Thermophilic Anaerobes, Michael V. Tyurin, Charles R. Sullivan, and Lee R. Lynd
Calmodulin and PF6 are components of a complex that localizes to the C1 microtubule of the flagellar central apparatus, Matthew J. Wargo, Erin E. Dymek, and Elizabeth F. Smith
Submissions from 2004
A Dominant-Negative fur Mutation in Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Heather P. Benson, Kristin LeVier, and Mary Lou Guerinot
Isolation and Characterization of a Generalized Transducing Phage for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains PAO1 and PA14, Jonathan M. Budzik, William A. Rosche, Arne Rietsch, and George A. O'Toole
SadB Is Required for the Transition from Reversible to Irreversible Attachment during Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, Nicky C. Caiazza and George A. O'Toole
Genesis: The Evolution of Biology, Michael Dietrich
Mendel's Legacy: The Origin of Classical Genetics, Michael Dietrich
Shaping Science with Rhetoric: The Cases of Dobzhansky, Schrdinger, and Wilson, Michael Dietrich
Drosophila RNase Z Processes Mitochondrial and Nuclear Pre-Trna 3′ Ends In Vivo, Edward B. Dubrovsky, Veronica A. Dubrovskaya, Louis Levinger, Steffen Schiffer, and Anita Marchfelder
PF15p Is the Chlamydomonas Homologue of the Katanin p80 Subunit and Is Required for Assembly of Flagellar Central Microtubules, Erin E. Dymek, Paul A. Lefebvre, and Elizabeth F. Smith
Phylogenetic Analysis of the Formin Homology 2 Domain, Henry N. Higgs and Kevin J. Peterson
Stage-Specific and Interactive Effects of Sedimentation and Trout on a Headwater Stream Salamander, Winsor H. Lowe, Keith H. Nislow, and Douglas T. Bolger
Estimating metazoan divergence times with a molecular clock, Kevin J. Peterson, Jessica B. Lyons, Kristin S. Nowak, Carter M. Takacs, Matthew J. Wargo, and Mark A. McPeek
The Tumor Suppressor LKB1 Kinase Directly Activates AMP-Activated Kinase and Regulates Apoptosis in Response to Energy Stress, Reuben J. Shaw, Monica Kosmatka, Nabeel Bardeesy, Rebecca L. Hurley, Lee A. Witters, Ronald A. DePinho, and Lewis C. Cantley
Electrotransformation of Clostridium thermocellum, Michael V. Tyurin, Sunil G. Desai, and Lee R. Lynd
Analysis of Microtubule Sliding Patterns in Chlamydomonas Flagellar Axonemes Reveals Dynein Activity on Specific Doublet Microtubules, M. J. Wargo, Mark A. McPeek, and Elizabeth F. Smith
The Cohesion Protein ORD is Required for Homologue Bias During Meiotic Recombination, Hayley A. Webber, Louisa Howard, and Sharon E. Bickel
Submissions from 2003
Richard Goldschmidt: hopeful monsters and other 'heresies', Michael Dietrich
The Delphic Boat: What Genomes Tell Us, Michael Dietrich
Estimating Community Stability and Ecological Interactions from Time-Series Data, A. R. Ives, B. Dennis, K. L. Cottingham, and S. R. Carpenter
Linking Dispersal to Local Population Dynamics: A Case Study Using a Headwater Salamander System, Winsor H. Lowe
Enhancer Trapping Reveals Widespread Circadian Clock Transcriptional Control in Arabidopsis, Todd P. Michael and C Robertson McClung
Two Arabidopsis Circadian Oscillators Can be Distinguished by Differential Temperature Sensitivity, Todd P. Michael, Patrice A. Salome, and C. Robertson McClung
Antipredator Behavior and Physiology Determine Lestes Species Turnover Along the Pond-Permanence Gradient, Robby Stoks and Mark A. McPeek
Predators and Life Histories Shape Lestes Damselfly Assemblages Along a Freshwater Habitat Gradient, Robby Stoks and Mark A. McPeek
Asymmetry of the Central Apparatus Defines the Location of Active Microtubule Sliding in Chlamydomonas Flagella, Matthew J. Wargo and Elizabeth F. Smith
Submissions from 2002
Meiotic Cohesion Requires Accumulation of ORD on Chromosomes before Condensation, Eric M. Balicky, Matthew W. Endres, Cary Lai, and Sharon E. Bickel
Embryology in wax, Michael Dietrich
Imaginal Discs: The Genetic and Cellular Logic of Pattern Formation, Michael Dietrich
Algal Blooms Reduce the Uptake of Toxic Methylmercury in Freshwater Food Webs, Paul C. Pickhardt, Carol L. Folt, Celia Y. Chen, Bjoern Klaue, and Joel D. Blum
Regulation of Flagellar Dynein by Calcium and a Role for an Axonemal Calmodulin and Calmodulin-dependent Kinase, Elizabeth F. Smith
Predators and Life Histories Shape Lestes Damselfly Assemblages Along a Freshwater Habitat Gradient, Robby Stoks and Mark A. McPeek
Submissions from 2001
Trophic Cascades, Nutrients, and Lake Productivity: Whole-Lake Experiments, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, James R. Hodgson, James F. Kitchell, Michael L. Pace, Darren Bade, and Kathryn L. Cottingham
The Mannose-Sensitive Hemagglutinin of Vibrio cholerae Promotes Adherence to Zooplankton, Deborah A. Chiavelli, Jane W. Marsh, and Ronald K. Taylor
Genes, Categories, and Species: The Evolutionary and Cognitive Causes of the Species Problem, Michael Dietrich
Networking Senescence-Regulating Pathways by Using Arabidopsis Enhancer Trap Lines, Yuehui He, Weining Tang, Johnnie D. Swain, Anthony L. Green, Thomas P. Jack, and Susheng Gan
Interactions Among Environmental Drivers: Community Responses to Changing Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Carbon, Jennifer L. Klug and Kathryn L. Cottingham
Phylogenetic Relationships within Cation Transporter Families of Arabidopsis, Pascal Mäser, Sébastien Thomine, Julian I. Schroeder, John M. Ward, Kendal Hirschi, Heven Sze, Ina N. Talke, Anna Amtmann, Frans J.M. Maathuis, Dale Sanders, Jeff F. Harper, Jason Tchieu, Michael Gribskov, Michael W. Persans, David E. Salt, Sun A. Kim, and Mary Lou Guerinot
Submissions from 2000
Nitrogen Budgets of Phloem-Feeding Bark Beetles with and without Symbiotic Fungi, Matthew P. Ayres, Richard T. Wilkens, Jonathan J. Ruel, María J. Lombardero, and Erich Vallery
An American Obsession: Science, Medicine, and Homosexuality in Modern Society, Michael Dietrich
From Gene to Genetic Hierarchy: Richard Goldschmidt and the Problem of the Gene, Michael Dietrich
From hopeful monsters to homeotic effects: Richard Goldschmidt's integration of development, evolution, and genetics, Michael Dietrich
Of moths and men: Theo Lang and the persistence of Richard Goldschmidt's theory of homosexuality, 1916-1960, Michael Dietrich
The problem of the gene, Michael Dietrich
Unifying Biology: Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Science Perspectives on Divine Action, Michael Dietrich
Richard Goldschmidt and the Crossing-Over Controversy, Michael Dietrich and Marsha Richmond
Consequences of Dominance-Mediated Habitat Segregation in American Redstarts During the Nonbreeding Season, Peter P. Marra and Richard T. Holmes
Integrated Temporal Regulation of the Photorespiratory Pathway. Circadian Regulation of Two Arabidopsis Genes Encoding Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase, C Robertson McClung, Meier Hsu, Janet E. Painter, Jennifer M. Gagne, Sharon D. Karlsberg, and Patrice A. Salome
The Risks and Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Garry D. Peterson, Saul Cunningham, Lisa Deutsch, Jon Erickson, Allyson Quinlan, Ernesto Ráez-Luna, Robert Tinch, Max Troell, Peter Woodbury, and Scot Zens
Fast Transport of Neurofilament Protein along Microtubules in Squid Axoplasm, Veena Prahlad, Brian T. Helfand, George M. Langford, Ron D. Vale, and Robert D. Goldman
An Enhancer Trap Line Associated with a D-Class Cyclin Gene in Arabidopsis, Kankshita Swaminathan, Yingzhen Yang, Natasha Grotz, Lauren Campisi, and Thomas Jack
Submissions from 1999
A Role for the Light-Dependent Phosphorylation of Visual Arrestin, Paul G. Alloway and Patrick J. Dolph
Cell Cycle-Dependent Sequencing of Cell Fate Decisions in Caenorhabditis Elegans Vulva Precursor Cells, Victor Ambros
Structure and Function Analysis of LIN-14, a Temporal Regulator of Postembryonic Developmental Events in Caenorhabditis elegans, Yang Hong, Rosalind C. Lee, and Victor Ambros
Succinate Dehydrogenase (Sdh) from Bradyrhizobium japonicum Is Closely Related to Mitochondrial Sdh, David J. Westenberg and Mary Lou Guerinot
Host-Driven Population Dynamics in an Herbivorous Insect, Tiina Ylioja, Heikki Roininen, Matthew P. Ayres, Matti Rousi, and Peter W. Price