Submissions from 2013
SCFKMD Controls Cytokinin Signaling by Regulating the Degradation of Type-B Response Regulators, Hyo Jung Kim, Yi-Hsuan Chiang, Joseph J. Kieber, and G. Eric Schaller
CATP-6, a C. elegans Ortholog of ATP13A2 PARK9, Positively Regulates GEM-1, an SLC16A Transporter, Eric J. Lambie, Pamela J. Tieu, Nadja Lebedeva, Diane L. Church, and Barbara Conradt
Using Economic Instruments to Develop Effective Management of Invasive Species: Insights From a Bioeconomic Model, Shana M. McDermott, Rebecca E. Irwin, and Brad W. Taylor
Elemental Concentrations in the Seed of Mutants and Natural Variants of Arabidopsis thaliana Grown under Varying Soil Conditions, Stephen C. McDowell, Garo Akmakjian, Chris Sladek, David Mendoza-Cozatl, Joe B. Morrissey, Nick Saini, Ron Mittler, Ivan Baxter, David E. Salt, John M. Ward, Julian I. Schroeder, Mary Lou Guerinot, and Jeffrey F. Harper
MYB10 and MYB72 are Required for Growth under Iron-Limiting Conditions, Christine M. Palmer, Maria N. Hindt, Holger Schmidt, Stephan Clemens, and Mary Lou Guerinot
Mechanisms of Signal Transduction by Ethylene: Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Signalling Roles in a Receptor Family, Samina N. Shakeel, Xiaomin Wang, Brad M. Binder, and G. Eric Schaller
Functional Annotation and Comparative Analysis of a Zygopteran Transcriptome, Alexander G. Shanku, Mark A. McPeek, and Andrew D. Kern
Low Mortality in Tall Tropical Trees, R. Q. Thomas, J. R. Kellner, D. B. Clark, and D. R. Peart
Warm Springs, Early Lay Dates, and Double Brooding in a North American Migratory Songbird, the Black-Throated Blue Warbler, Andrea K. Townsend, T. Scott Sillett, Nina K. Lany, Sara A. Kaiser, Nicholas L. Rodenhouse, Michael S. Webster, and Richard T. Holmes
Tree Climbing and Human Evolution, Vivek V. Venkataraman, Thomas S. Kraft, and Nathaniel J. Dominy
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Documenting Knowledge: Plants and Their Uses in Southern Greenland, Simone S. Whitecloud and Lenore A. Grenoble
Crosstalk between the Circadian Clock and Innate Immunity in Arabidopsis, Chong Zhang, Qiguang Xie, Ryan G. Anderson, Gina Ng, Nicjolas C. Seitz, Thomas Peterson, C. Robertson McClung, John M. McDowell, Dongdong Kong, June M. Kwak, and Hua Lu
Submissions from 2012
Roles of the Drosophila SK Channel (dSK) in Courtship Memory, Ahmad N. Abou Tayoun, Claudio Pikielny, and Patrick J. Dolph
Two-Component Elements Mediate Interactions between Cytokinin and Salicylic Acid in Plant Immunity, Cristiana T. Argueso, Fernando J. Ferreira, Petra Epple, Jennifer P.C To, Claire E. Hutchison, G. Eric Schaller, Jeffrey L. Dangl, and Joseph J. Kieber
A FAP46 Mutant Provides New Insights into the Function and Assembly of the C1d Complex of the Ciliary Central Apparatus, Jason M. Brown, Christen G. DiPetrillo, Elizabeth F. Smith, and George B. Witman
Rice Consumption and Urinary Arsenic Concentrations in U.S. Children, Matthew A. Davis, Todd A. Mackenzie, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Diane Gilbert-Diamond, Tracy Punshon, and Margaret R. Karagas
Form and Function of Clostridium Thermocellum Biofilms, Alexandru Dumitrache, Gideon Wolfaardt, Grant Allen, Steven N. Liss, and Lee R. Lynd
PF19 Encodes the p60 Catalytic Subunit of Katanin and is Required for Assembly of the Flagellar Central Apparatus in Chlamydomonas, Erin E. Dymek and Elizabeth F. Smith
Heterogeneity in Mitochondrial Morphology and Membrane Potential Is Independent of the Nuclear Division Cycle in Multinucleate Fungal Cells, John P. Gerstenberger, Patricia Occhipinti, and Amy S. Gladfelter
Associations between Toenail Arsenic Concentration and Dietary Factors in a New Hampshire Ppopulation, Joann F. Gruber, Margaret R. Karagas, Diane Gilbert-Diamond, Pamela J. Bagley, M Scot Zens, Vicki Sayarath, Tracy Punshon, J Steven Morris, and Kathryn L. Cottingham
Arsenic, Organic Foods, and Brown Rice Syrup, Brian P. Jackson, Vivien F. Taylor, Margaret R. Karagas, Tracy Punshon, and Kathryn L. Cottingham
Intraspecific Density Dependence and a Guild of Consumers Coexisting on One Resource, Mark A. McPeek
Septin Ring Size Scaling and Dynamics Require the Coiled-Coil Region of Shs1p, Rebecca A. Meseroll, Louisa Howard, and Amy S. Gladfelter
Septin Phosphorylation and Coiled-Coil Domains Function in Cell and Septin Ring Morphology in the Filamentous Fungus Ashbya Gossypii, Rebecca A. Meseroll, Patricia Occhipinti, and Amy S. Gladfelter
The Role of CAX1 and CAX3 in Elemental Distribution and Abundance in Arabidopsis Seed, Tracy Punshon, Kendall Hirschi, Jian Yang, Antonio Lanzirotti, Barry Lai, and Mary Lou Guerinot
Evolution of Plant Sucrose Uptake Transporters, Anke Reinders, Alicia B. Sivitz, and John M. Ward
Arabidopsis bHLH100 and bHLH101 Control Iron Homeostasis via a FIT-Independent Pathway, Alicia B. Sivitz, Victor Hermand, Catherine Curie, and Grégory Vert
Mapping Migratory Bird Prevalence Using Remote Sensing Data Fusion, Anu Swatantran, Ralph Dubayah, Scott Goetz, Michelle Hofton, Matthew G. Betts, Mindy Sun, Marc Simard, and Richard Holmes
ASPM and the Evolution of Cerebral Cortical Size in a Community of New World Monkeys, Fernando A. Villanea, George H. Perry, Gustavo A. Gutiérrez-Espeleta, and Nathaniel J. Dominy
Do Low-Mercury Terrestrial Resources Subsidize Low-Mercury Growth of Stream Fish? Differences between Species along a Productivity Gradient, Darren M. Ward, Keith H. Nislow, and Carol L. Folt
Plant Calcium Content: Ready to Remodel, Jian Yang, Tracy Punshon, Mary Lou Guerinot, and Kendal D. Hirschi
Genome Sequence of the Mesophilic Thermotogales Bacterium Mesotoga prima MesG1.Ag.4.2 Reveals the Largest Thermotogales Genome to Date, Olga Zhaxybayeva, Kristen S. Swithers, Julia Foght, Anna G. Green, David Bruce, Chris Detter, Shunsheng Han, Hazuki Teshima, James Han, Tanja Woyke, Sam Pitluck, Matt Nolan, Natalia Ivanova, Amrita Pati, Miriam L. Land, Marlena Dlutek, W Ford Doolittle, Kenneth M. Noll, and Camilla L. Nesbo
Submissions from 2011
Axl2 Integrates Polarity Establishment, Maintenance, and Environmental Stress Response in the Filamentous Fungus Ashbya Gossypii, Jonathan F. Anker and Amy S. Gladfelter
Predator Mediated Selection and the Impact of Developmental Stage on Viability in Wood Frog Tadpoles (Rana Sylvatica), Ryan Calsbeek and Shawn Kuchta
MicroRNAs and Phylogenomics Resolve the Relationships of Tardigrada and Suggest that Velvet Worms are the Sister Group of Arthropoda, Lahcen I. Campbell, Omar Rota-Stabelli, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Trevor Marchioro, Stuart J. Longhorn, Maximilian J. Telford, Hervé Philippe, Lorena Rebecchi, Kevin J. Peterson, and Davide Pisani
Chloroquine Treatment of ARPE-19 Cells Leads to Lysosome Dilation and Intracellular Lipid Accumulation: Possible Implications of Lysosomal Dysfunction in Macular Degeneration, Patrick M. Chen, Zoë J. Gombart, and Jeff W. Chen
Septin Filaments Exhibit a Dynamic, Paired Organization that is Conserved from Yeast to Mammals, Bradley S. DeMay, Xiaobo Bai, Louisa Howard, Patricia Occhipinti, Rebecca A. Meseroll, Elias T. Spiliotis, Rudolf Oldenbourg, and Amy S. Gladfelter
Reinventing Richard Goldschmidt: Reputation, Memory, and Biography, Michael Dietrich
The Pcdp1 Complex Coordinates the Activity of Dynein Isoforms to Produce Wild-Type Ciliary Motility, Christen G. DiPetrillo and Elizabeth F. Smith
The CSC is Required for Complete Radial Spoke Assembly and Wild-Type Ciliary Motility, Erin E. Dymek, Thomas Heuser, Daniela Nicastro, and Elizabeth F. Smith
Rice Consumption Contributes to Arsenic Exposure in US Women, Diane Gilbert-Diamond, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Joann F. Gruber, Tracy Punshon, Vicki Sayarath, A. Jay Gandolfi, Emily R. Baker, Brian P. Jackson, Carol L. Folt, and Margaret R. Karagas
CD2AP Regulates SUMOylation of CIN85 in Podocytes, Irini Tossidou, Rainer Niedenthal, Malte Klaus, Beina Teng, Kirstin Worthmann, Benjamin King, and Kevin Peterson
Episodic Radiations in the Fly Tree of Life, Brian M. Wiegmann, Michelle D. Trautwein, Isaac S. Winkler, Norman B. Barr, Jung-Wook Kim, Christine Lambkin, Matthew Bertone, Brian Cassel, Keith Bayless, and Alysha Heimberg
Merging Resource Availability with Isotope Mixing Models: The Role of Neutral Interaction Assumptions, Justin D. Yeakel, Mark Novak, Paulo R. Guimarães, Nathaniel J. Dominy, Paul L. Koch, Eric J. Ward, Jonathan W. Moore, and Brice X. Semmens
Reverse Protection Assay: A Tool to Analyze Transcriptional Rates from Individual Promoters, Yan O. Zubo, Victor V. Kusnetsov, Thomas Börner, and Karsten Liere
Submissions from 2010
Natural Genetic Variation in Selected Populations of Arabidopsis thaliana Is Associated with Ionomic Differences, Elizabeth Buescher, Tilman Achberger, Idris Amusan, Anthony Giannini, Cherie Ochsenfeld, Ana Rus, Brett Lahner, Owen Hoekenga, Elena Yakubova, Jeffrey F. Harper, Mary Lou Guerinot, Min Zhang, David E. Salt, and Ivan R. Baxter
Ethylene Receptors Function as Components of High-Molecular-Mass Protein Complexes in Arabidopsis, Yi-Feng Chen, Zhiyong Gao, Robert J. Kerris, Wuyi Wang, Brad M. Binder, and G. Eric Schaller
Dynamic Evolution of Precise Regulatory Encodings Creates the Clustered Site Signature of Enhancers, Justin Crocker, Nathan Potter, and Albert Erives
Pcdp1 is a Central Apparatus Protein that Binds Ca2+-Calmodulin and Regulates Ciliary Motility, Christen G. DiPetrillo and Elizabeth F. Smith
Conserving Migratory Land Birds in the New World: Do We Know Enough?, John Faaborg, Richard T. Holmes, Angela D. Anders, and Keith L. Bildstein
Invasive Predators Deplete Genetic Diversity of Island Lizards, Amandine Gasc, M. C. Duryea, Robert M. Cox, Andrew Kern, and Ryan Calsbeek
Lidar Remote Sensing Variables Predict Breeding Habitat of a Neotropical Migrant Bird, Scott J. Goetz, Daniel Steinberg, Matthew G. G. Betts, and Richard T. Holmes
microRNAs Reveal the Interrelationships of Hagfish, Lampreys, and Gnathostomes and the Nature of the Ancestral Vertebrate, Alysha M. Heimberg, Richard Cowper-Sal{middle dot}lari, Marie Semon, Philip C. J. Donoghue, and Kevin J. Peterson
Type II Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) Is Required for Circadian Pperiod Determination in Arabidopsis Thaliana, Sunghyun Hong, Hae-Ryoung Song, Kerry Lutz, Randall A. Kerstetter, Todd P. Michael, and C. Robertson McClung
GC-Biased Evolution Near Human Accelerated Regions, Sol Katzman, Andrew D. Kern, Katherine S. Pollard, Sofie R. Salama, and David Haussler
Temporal Regulation of the Muscle Gene Cascade by Macho1 and Tbx6 Transcription Factors in Ciona Intestinalis, Jamie E. Kugler, Stefan Gazdoiu, Izumi Oda-Ishii, Yale J. Passamaneck, Albert J. Erives, and Anna Di Gregorio
Identifying Functional Relationships within Sets of Co-Expressed Genes by Combining Upstream Regulatory Motif Analysis and Gene Expression Information, Viktor Martyanov and Robert H. Gross
Deletion of the Cel48S cellulase from Clostridium thermocellum, Daniel G. Olson, Shital A. Tripathi, Richard J. Giannone, Jonathan Lo, Nicky C. Caiazza, David A. Hogsett, Robert L. Hettich, Adam M. Guss, Genia Dubrovsky, and Lee R. Lynd
Natural Competence in Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium Species, A Joe Shaw, David A. Hogsett, and Lee R. Lynd
On the Evidence for Species Coexistence: A Critique of the Coexistence Program, Adam M. Siepielski and Mark A. McPeek
The Armadillo Repeat Protein PF16 Is Essential for Flagellar Structure and Function in Plasmodium Male Gametes, Ursula Straschil, Arthur M. Talman, David J. P. Ferguson, Karen A. Bunting, Zhengyao Xu, Elizabeth Bailes, Robert E. Sinden, Anthony A. Holder, and Elizabeth F. Smith
Magnesium Excretion in C. elegans Requires the Activity of the GTL-2 TRPM Channel, Takayuki Teramoto, Laura A. Sternick, Eriko Kage-Nakadai, Shirine Sajjadi, Jakub Siembida, Shohei Mitani, Kouichi Iwasaki, and Eric J. Lambie
Submissions from 2009
Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction Analysis Identifies Specific Nucleotide Patterns Promoting Genetic Polymorphisms, Eric Arehart, Scott Gleim, Bill White, John Hwa, and Jason H. Moore
Parallel Shifts in Ecology and Natural Selection in an Island Lizard, Ryan Calsbeek, Wolfgang Buermann, and Thomas B. Smith
Accumulation of Rhodopsin in Late Endosomes Triggers Photoreceptor Cell Degeneration, Yashodhan Chinchore, Amitavo Mitra, Patrick J. Dolph, and Norbert Perrimon
Sexually Antagonistic Selection, Sexual Dimorphism, and the Resolution of Intralocus Sexual Conflict, Robert M. Cox and Ryan Calsbeek
Manipulating Testosterone to Assess Links between Behavior, Morphology, and Performance in the Brown Anole Anolis sagrei, Robert M. Cox, Derek S. Stenquist, Justin P. Henningsen, and Ryan Calsbeek
Ceramide Kinase Regulates Phospholipase C and Phosphatidylinositol 4, 5, Bisphosphate in Phototransduction, Ujjaini Dasgupta, Takeshi Bamba, Salvatore Chiantia, Pusha Karim, and Ahmad N. Abou Tayoun
Regulation of Distinct Septin Rings in a Single Cell by Elm1p and Gin4p Kinases, Bradley S. DeMay, Rebecca A. Meseroll, Patricia Occhipinti, and Amy S. Gladfelter
Microevolution and Macroevolution Are Governed by the Same Processes, Michael Dietrich
The rise of the classical gene: a review of In Pursuit of the Gene: From Darwin to DNA, Michael Dietrich
Homeotic Mutants and the Assimilation of Developmental Genetics into the Evolutionary Synthesis, Michael Dietrich, Gregory K. Davis, and David K. Jacobs
MicroRNAs and metazoan macroevolution: insights into canalization, complexity, and the Cambrian explosion, Michael Dietrich, Mark McPeek, and Kevin J. Peterson
Correcting the Site Frequency Spectrum for Divergence-Based Ascertainment, Andrew D. Kern
Disruption of OsYSL15 Leads to Iron Inefficiency in Rice Plants, Sichul Lee, Jeff C. Chiecko, Sun A. Kim, Elsbeth L. Walker, Youngsook Lee, Mary Lou Guerinot, and Gyhheung An
(Mis)interpreting Mathematical Models: Drift as a Physical Process, Roberta L. Millstein, Robert A. Skipper, and Michael Dietrich
miR319a Targeting of TCP4 is Critical for Petal Growth and Development in Arabidopsis, Anwesha Nag, Stacey King, and Thomas Jack
Paracrine Sonic Hedgehog Signalling by Prostate Cancer Cells Induces Osteoblast Differentiation, Samantha M Zunich, Taneka Douglas, Maria Valdovinos, and Tiffany Chang
Submissions from 2008
Variation in Molybdenum Content Across Broadly Distributed Populations of Arabidopsis thaliana Is Controlled by a Mitochondrial Molybdenum Transporter (MOT1), Ivan Baxter, Balasubramaniam Muthukumar, Hyeong Cheol Park, Peter Buchner, Brett Lahner, John Danku, Keyan Zhao, Joohyun Lee, Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Mary Lou Guerinot, and David E. Salt
The Leaf Ionome as a Multivariable System to Detect a Plant's Physiological Status, Ivan R. Baxter, Olga Vitek, Brett Lahner, Balasubramaniam Muthukumar, Monica Borghi, Joe Morrissey, Mary Lou Guerinot, and David E. Salt
Meeting Report: Methylmercury in Marine Ecosystems—From Sources to Seafood Consumers, Celia Y. Chen, Nancy Serrell, David C. Evers, Bethany J. Fleishman, Kathleen F. Lambert, Jeri Weiss, Robert P. Mason, and Michael S. Bank
Evolution Acts on Enhancer Organization to Fine-Tune Gradient Threshold Readouts, Justin Crocker, Yoichiro Tamori, and Albert Erives
Darwin's Gift to Science and Religion, Michael Dietrich
Molecular Evolution, Michael Dietrich
The Role of Causal Processes in the Neutral and Nearly Neutral Theories, Michael Dietrich and Roberta L. Millstein
The Role of Causal Processes in the Neutral and Nearly Neutral Theories, Michael R. Dietrich and Roberta L. Millstein
Systems Approach Identifies an Organic Nitrogen-Responsive Gene Network that is Regulated by the Master Clock Control Gene CCA1, Rodrigo A. Gutierrez, Trevor L. Stokes, Karen Thum, Xiaodong Xu, Mariana Obertello, Manpreet S. Katari, Milos Tanurdzic, Alexis Dean, Damion C. Nero, C Robertson McClung, and Gloria M. Coruzzi
MicroRNAs and the Advent of Vertebrate Morphological Complexity, Alysha M. Heimberg, Lorenzo F. Sempere, Vanessa N. Moy, Phillip C. J. Donoghue, and Kevin J. Peterson
Chloroplast Fe(III) Chelate Reductase Activity Is Essential for Seedling Viability Under Iron Limiting Conditions, Jeeyon Jeong, Christopher Cohu, Loubna Kerkeb, Marinus Pilon, Erin L. Connolly, and Mary Lou Guerinot
Habitat-Mediated Foraging Limitations Drive Survival Bottlenecks for Juvenile Salmon, Brian P. Kennedy, Keith H. Nislow, and Carol L. Folt
Fish Distributions and Nutrient Cycling in Streams: Can Fish Create Biogeochemical Hotspots, Peter B. McIntyre, Alexander S. Flecker, Michael J. Vanni, James M. Hood, Brad W. Taylor, and Steven A. Thomas
The Tempo and Mode of Three‐Dimensional Morphological Evolution in Male Reproductive Structures, Mark A. McPeek, Li Shen, John Z. Torrey, and Hany Farid
A Protein Methylation Pathway in Chlamydomonas Flagella Is Active during Flagellar Resorption, Mark J. Schneider, Megan Ulland, and Roger D. Sloboda
Aging Predisposes Oocytes to Meiotic Nondisjunction When the Cohesin Subunit SMC1 Is Reduced, Vijayalakshmi V. Subramanian and Sharon E. Bickel
The MADS-Domain Transcriptional Regulator AGAMOUS-LIKE15 Promotes Somatic Embryo Development in Arabidopsis and Soybean, Dhiraj Thakare, Weining Tang, Kristine Hill, and Sharyn E. Perry
AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Regulates CO2-Induced Alveolar Epithelial Dysfunction in Rats and Human Cells by Promoting Na,K-ATPase Endocytosis, István Vadász, Laura A. Dada, Arturo Briva, Humberto E. Trejo, Lynn C. Welch, Jiwang Chen, Peter T. Toth, Emilia Lecuona, Lee A. Witters, Paul T. Schumacker, Navdeep S. Chandel, Werner Seeger, and Jacob I. Sznajder
Submissions from 2007
SCOPE: A Web Server for Practical De Novo Motif Discovery, Jonathan M. Carlson, Arijit Chakravarty, Charles E. DeZiel, and Robert H. Gross
A Novel Ensemble Learning Method for de Novo Computational Identification of DNA Binding Sites, Arijit Chakravarty, Jonathan M. Carlson, Radhika S. Khetani, and Robert H H. Gross
Sampling Daphnia's Expressed Genes: Preservation, Expansion and Invention of Crustacean Genes with Reference to Insect Genomes, John K. Colbourne, Brian D. Eads, Joseph Shaw, Elizabeth Bohuski, Darren Bauer, and Justen Andrews
Beyond the boss and the boys: Women and the division of labor in Drosophila genetics in the United States, 1934-1970, Michael Dietrich